♤ 11

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"I just don't know what to do" I told Jen, Ty and basically my mother. I told her about finding out that Asia was my cousin. "Honey you just have to think are they worth getting to know" she said. Honestly I knew my answer I just wanted someone to tell me it was going to be alright. "Alright well I've got to go to class I'll call you later" I said. We both said our goodbyes and hung up.

I sighed walking into my class. This was my least favorite class, I didn't have it every week but it was about 2 or 3 hour long lectures. I usually just sat in the back and filled in the notes and just googled the answers for the worksheets. I saw that my professor had blocked off the back of the class in attempt to get us all in the front. But best believed I moved them hoes and sat in the back.

"Imani?" I heard a soft voice making me look up. "Jasmine right?" I asked not really sure if I was right or not. She nodded and sat down next to me. "I didn't know you went here let alone took this class" I said. "Yeah I completely forgot I had this class until like last week" she smacked her forehead making us both laugh. "Ladies silence please" our professor said mugging us. I know she was mad that I moved the ropes so I mugged her ass back just to be petty.

We snickered as we got prepared for the lecture. Halfway through the lecture I had closed my eyes and I guess I went to sleep because a loud bang woke me up. I looked up to see my professor right above me with a book next to my right hand. "Miss Herro please stay awake while I'm speaking" she said. I nodded and put in my airpods. I could hear Jasmine laughing next to me.

I thought about what I was going to do for the rest of the day after classes when I saw people getting up so I knew class was over. I got up and said bye to Jasmine and made my way outside. It was currently hot as hell outside and all I wanted to do was go home and eat ice cream. My last class for the day was Athletic Training and I had to go pick up something from the class then go to the gym.

I decided to walk to my class instead if drive because there was always a lot of traffic on that side of the campus. Walking into my class I found my project file and saw what my next assignment would be. It was pretty easy all I had to do was a project on one of the athletes body. I walked into the gym and they weren't there so they were most likely in the media room.


"Let's gooo" Nick yelled

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"Let's gooo" Nick yelled. Today we were just going to watch film and shoot around after. We all gathered in the media room. I sat in the back so I could kick my feet up on the table. "Sorry I'm late" a soft voice said and I saw Imani scurry over to her seat plopping down. I watched her closely she honestly looked so frustrated. I knew that this whole family thing was taking a toll on her I just hope it will all get better.

We were starting our game against Arizona. That was one of my best games so far. "Yessir" Nick yelled as we replayed his poster dunk on Arizona. We all laughed when we saw the Arizona coach get a tech for yelling at the ref.


I shot a 3 pointer and it hit the side of the rim bouncing out. "Wow shooting all bricks huh?" I heard. I looked behind me and it was Imani smirking at me. "Like you could do better" I scoffed easily making her mad. She walked up to me and snatched the ball out of my hands. She took a step back from where I was and rained a 3. I thought she completely missed it until you heard the swish sound of it going through the net.

"Aight if you beat me I'll take you shopping my treat. If I win you have to cook for me whenever I ask" I offered. "Aight bet" she shook my hand. I was going to make it a 3 point contest but I decided to play horse instead. I took an easy shot at the free throw line and made it so she had to shoot there.


"Awe baby you mad?" Imani asked as I got in the drivers seat of her car. She only won because she started to distract me. "Why would I be mad? you cheated" I gave her a stale face putting the car in reverse. "Liarrrr" she yelled like Khloé Kardashian making me die laughing. "Girl I will-" I started swerving the car and her dramatic ass gripped my arm like she was about to fall out the car.

We made it to the house and the first thing I did was kick my shoes off and fall onto the couch. "Im so tired" I groaned pushing my head into the couch cushion. "Cmon go shower I ordered Italian" she pulled me off the couch and onto my feet. "Aight just let me know how much it is so I can pay you back" I told her and she laughed. "Baby I already payed on your credit card" she said making me mug her and go into her room.

When I got out she had already heated my food and had my favorite movie ready to play. "Thanks mamas" I said grabbing her hips and giving her a long kiss. We watched the movie until we fell asleep.

Author's note

I'm so sorry taking a long time to upload but I had writers block. The next chapter will be better I promise. Let me know if y'all want me to keep adding pictures.


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