♤ 4

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Brandon ||A few days later

All the guys were still talking about the game the other day. It got a lot of attention by the internet and not because of the shot. I just finished practice and was gonna go to Imani's house. I decided to go to my house first to take a shower. As I was driving to Imani's house I was just thinking about how lucky I am to be around her and I knew I was gonna have to make her mine before someone beats me to it.

I knocked on her door a few times before I took out my key and just went in. I knocked on her door but she didn't answer so I know she was sleeping. I walked in and she was sleeping I nothing but a sports bra and Nike spandex shotrts. It's crazy how she could look so good just sleeping. I took my shoes off and got in. She clung onto me and I hurried me face in her neck.


I woke up to a heavy body on me. I got nervous until I realized it was Brandon's big headed self. I bet he used his key to get in. My stirring woke him up. "Hey bubba" I kissed his forehead. "Stop calling me that" he whined and I laughed. I started to repeat while pecking him all over his face until he flipped us over.

"What you doing tommorow?" He asked. I finally had a day off of volleyball and my only class was Athletic Trainr. "Nothing really" I said trying to find some clothes. "Good because I'm taking you out" he replied. "Oh really?" I asked as he hugged me from behind. "Yeah so dress nice" he kissed my cheek and I went to take a shower.

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I had about 45 minutes before Brandon was supposed to be here. Tierra already came over here hyping me up. I bothered Brandon all morning asking about where we were going but he never said a word. I put some last minute touches to my look and went downstairs to wait for him.

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"Don't look at me like that" I said averting my eyes to my glass. Brandon had brought me to a fancy Italian restaurant. To say I was nervous was an understatement. "So tell me about your family" Brandon said. I knew that I would have to explain how I know Tyler.

"My parents and Tyler's parents were best friends they all went to college together. A year after I was born my parents got into a horrible car accident. They were in comas for 5 months so in that time I stayed with the Herro family." He nodded telling me to go on. "When my parents died I had 2 options. Find a little family member to take me or go into foster care. None of my family stepped up so mrs.jen took me in so I've lived with them ever since." I finished.

He reached over and squeezed my hand. "I'm sorry about your parents" I just nodded. "So what about your family" I asked. "My dad taught me how to play basketball when I was a little kid and that's all I've wanted to do ever since. My family back home is really counting on me to do good so that adds a lot of pressure. I want to get to the Nba and make sure my family is taken care of for life" he said not looking away from me.

I really like hearing about his dreams and goals. The drive back to my house was comfortably silent. I held his hand over the middle. When we made it to my door no spun me around to face him. "I had a great time tonight" he spoke leaning over me. "Me too" I shifted my eyes to his lips something I've been doing a lot lately. We had a staring battle until I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a slow kiss.


I pulled away from Imani and gave her a peck again. "Goodnight Imani" I turned to go back to my car but she yanked the back of my shirt. "You want me to stay?" I questioned. "Of course" she said making me smile. "Oh say less" I said like the little white boy making us laugh.

Author's note
I know it a short chapter I've been having a bit of writers block. Did y'all like this chapter?


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