♤ 10

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"Hey girl" I spoke as I opened the door to my apartment. I promised Asia that we would work on the project together last week but my schedule has been crazy. Her dorm didn't work because her roommates have no respect. "Hey Imani, this place is nice. You gotta roommate?" She asked sitting down on the couch. I shook my head no.

"She moved out after the first month of school. It's just me and my boyfriend" I told her. I was thinking of letting Tierra move in but I low-key like having a place to myself. I sat down across from her and placed my computer down on the coffee table. "Ok first question. Where were you born?" She asked. I told her I was born in Chicago but moved to Milwaukee after like 2 months. She told me she was from New Orleans.

After we got through the easy parts the questions started to get more intense and I didn't know if I wanted to keep doing it. I just got over the fact that I would have to tell her about my past. I started telling her my story and she had a weird look in her face. I heard the front door open and i already knew who it was so I didn't bother getting up.

"Maniii" I heard Bj drag my name out making me laugh. "In the living room" I yelled writing down some information. He came in and threw his duffle bag on the floor giving me a kiss. "Asia this is Bj, Bj this is Asia" I introduced them. No gave her a simple wave and went about his business. "Girl how'd you get a baller?" She asked playfully. "I just got it like that" I joked flipping my hair and we both laughed.

"So a year after I was born my parents got in a car crash and long story short they died. None of my family chose to take care of me so I went with my parents best friends and grew up with them. You know Tyler right?" I asked since she was in her 2nd year here. "Yeah I do, I'm sorry that you had to got through all that. Something similar happened to my mom's side of the family" she said.

After we answered some more questions she had to go so she would make curfew. I let her out then went into my room. "How was your day?" I asked changing into my sleeping clothes which is just a shirt. "It was alright, I missed you though" he said. This was our first time seeing each other today. I had early volleyball and my Athletic Training class had a test so I had to go in a actual classroom.

"I don't have volleyball so I'm sleeping in" I said scrolling through my feed. I felt my phone being snatched out of my hands making me look at Bj like he was crazy. "Don't be on yo phone when you with me" he said cuddling against my side. He started kissing me on the side of my neck making my breathing hitch. "S-stop" I stuttered trying to push him off. He just pulled me closer completely ignoring me.

I finally decided to be risky and get on top of him straddling him. His hands ran down my back moving to the top of my butt. I ran my fingers through his hair. "Alright you got too much dip on ya chip" I said moving off of him making him laugh. "I hate you" he said turning over to go to sleep. "Whatever"

■ ○ ■ next morning ■ ○ ■

I walked into my class seeing Asia, she  saved me a spot. "I got you a coffee" she said sliding my cup over to me. "Thanks girl" I said taking a sip. "So I was talking to to mom about your situation growing up which I apologize for I shouldn't have spread something that you told me in confidence" she said and I nodded for her to go on.

"She told that something happened to her sister and brother in law in a car crash and she thinks I could possibly have a cousin" she pulled out her phone and showed me a picture of a little girl with her parents. I scrunched up my face because so recognised that picture. I got on my phone and pulled up that picture. This was one of the only pictures I have of my parents. I looked at Asia seeing that she was just as shocked as me.

"But your last name is Caldwell" I spoke out loud. "Johnson-Caldwell my parents didn't get married until I was in middle school" She said. I guess that made us cousins but why didn't anyone offer to take care of me. I had to live with the Herro's instead of with my own family. "I think this so a good reason to skip class I'll see you around. Thanks for the coffee again" I said grabbing my bag and rushing off.

"Hey hey where you going? Slow down" I heard Brandon's voice. All I think about is what my life would have been like if my aunt chose me. I mean my life wasn't horrible but int wasn't easy growing up in an all white family. I wish I would've been able to talk so I could've told them that I loved them. I turned around tears threatening to fall from my eyes.

"What's wrong? Talk to me" he cupped my face with his hands. I opened my mouth but no words came out just a sob. He pulled me into a hug until I calmed down. "I just found out Asia is my cousin" I said and his jaw dropped.

Author's note
I know this was a boring chapter. Vote and comment tho

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