♤ 5

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I was at a bakery not too far from my apartment listening to brent fiyaz doing my homework early. I've been stressed out lately over random stuff and it's getting to me. I always get like this because around this time my parents died. Whenever this time comes around I tend to push people away. This time is different I don't want to hurt the people around me.

I decided I could be sad at home so I took my coffee to go. Walking up to my apartment I bumped into something hard. "Sor-watch where you going" I was interrupted. I felt hands on my waist and looked up. "What are you doing here?" I asked seeing Brandon. "I forgot my shorts" he said scratching his neck. "Well where are they?" He had nothing in his hands. "I didn't find them but look I gotta go to class bye" he ran off leaving me speechless.

I walked into the apartment with a sigh, my roommate moved out last week so I had it to myself. She paid for the rest of the year so I was good. I got my bucket of ice cream and put on my favorite movie.


That definitely was not the reason I went to Imani's house. I plan on making Imani my girlfriend soon I just needed a way to do it. I went to her house to get ideas off of her computer. She told me that this was a bad time for her so I wanted to do something to take her mind off of things.

She probably knew something up by now. I thought about some things that she does and came up with the perfect idea. I could only pull this off with the help of one person.


I was sitting in my car listening to music waiting for it to be time for my next class. I heard my phone buzz but I flipped over hoping whoever it was didn't call back. When it buzzed again I answered without looking at the caller id. "Mani you gotta come to the gym quick Brandon's hurt" I recognized nicks voice instantly. "I'm on my way" I hung up and got out of my car. I started running to the gym, people probably thought I was crazy.

I pushed open the gym doors but the lights were dimly lit. "The fuck" I muttered to myself putting my keys up. When I looked back up Brandon was in the middle of the court. "Nick told me you were hurt don't play with me like that" I said feeling some type of way. "I'm sorry I just had to talk to you" he grabbed my hands.

"Ever since I saw you in the media room I've wanted you and I told myself if I ever got you I would make you mine. Mani I can't go another minute being just friends with you. Will you be my girlfriend?" There was no hesitation in my answer. "Yes" he picked me up and spun me around kissing me. This was similar to the buzzer beater but this kiss was filled with so much more emotion and passion. I pulled seat with a smile on my face.

I looked around the gym getting an idea. "Wait here" I ran off and grabbed my keys. I opened the equipment closet and grabbed the basketball rack pushing it onto the court. "Can you even play?" He asked chuckling. "For your information I got a volleyball and basketball scholarship here that I can use at any time I just chose volleyball" I told him matter of factly.

I got the ball off of the rack and started to dribble. Once I got comfortable so started doing moves around brandon. He swatted at the ball making me do a step back 3 making it. We started to play one on one until it was time for us to go home. We spent the rest of the night watching movies together.

⬇ (Imagine it's them)⬇


Liked by: 2,681Kentuckycouples: Our new basketball star is now off the market @Bj Boston @thatgurl_imani

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Liked by: 2,681
Kentuckycouples: Our new basketball star is now off the market @Bj Boston @thatgurl_imani

Author's note
Ik this is a short chapter it really wasn't as food as I wanted it to be. Did y'all still like it? Vote and comment and be safe!


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