♤ 6

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I woke up early this morning and decided to get some extra work in. I was glad that I could get into the weight room with my id. The first thing I did was run a mile and a half. In between doing weights I heard my phone going off. I usually don't answer my phone but I knew I wouldn't hear the end of it if I didn't answer jaslyn's call.

"Hello" I put my phone on speaker continuing my reps. "Bjjjjj" she screamed through the phone making me drop my dumbbell. "You tryna make me deaf?" I asked. "Ahaha very funny, anyway I was looking through Instagram and I saw this real pretty girl on your page" I already knew where she was going with this. "Uh huh" I motioned for her to go on. "Who is she?" She asked eagerly.

"My girlfriend" I said. She started squealing making me chuckle. "Are you sure she don't want clout?" She asked cautiously, I sighed. "1, she actually likes me. 2, she got 2 million followers and her brother's in the NBA I don't think I can give her any more clout than she already has" I told her. "I didn't know sorry" . "It's aight but I got class in 20 bye" I lied and hung up.

I know that my family wants the best for me but sometimes they just annoying. I went back to my dorm and took a shower. I got in my car ready to go to Imani's place but then I looked at the time and figured she probably hasn't ate yet. I stopped by her favorite diner and got avocado toast with eggs on the side. On the way there I couldn't think about anything besides what my cousin said, but I knew there was no reason to doubt Imani.

I used my key to get in and heard he playing Brent Fiyaz once again. I swear she's in love with him. I opened her door when my part came on.

"Hood fame, everybody know my name when I come through
But don't nobody scream it like you
I was having visions with you
Doing thangs, switching lanes in the Beamer with you
And swimming in deep waters, save me from my sorrows"

I sung leaning on her doorway. Eventually my arm gave out and I stumbled making her laugh. "Goodmorning" I kissed her forehead then layed down on her bed. "Aww you brought me breakfast how sweet" she coo'd kissing me again.


After I ate my breakfast I layed back down and played in Bj's hair. Even though he came in joking I knew something was off about him, he was never this quiet. "What's wrong baby?" I asked and he sat up. "You know how you told me that you had this friend that only wanted clout?" He asked making me nod my head. "Well that happened to me sophomore year all until junior year with my old girlfreind." That broke my heart I don't see how anyone could play him.

"My cousin saw my Instagram and called me just to tell me that you might not really like me for me. It's like they don't believe that anyone could actually like me" I got up and made him face me. "Brandon thats terrible what your old girl did to you, and I understand that your family just wants to look out for you. With that being said I could never play you, when I say I like you I really mean it ok?" He nodded his head. "I'm so lucky I got you" he said and I kissed him. I pulled away smiling, I'm really falling for him. 

• ♤ • ♤ • ♤ • ♤ • ♤ •

"I'm slumped" I said laying on the floor. We came to practice thinking we were going to scrimmage but we did strength and conditioning. We ran 2 miles and maxed out on wrights. "What you doing after this?" Tierra asked pointing the fan towards us. "I got athletic training after this" I said checking my watch. I was about to take a shower and I still had an hour before basketball.

I barely made it to basketball on time coach wanted me to stay after practice and go over some things. My project this week was to find better ways to help athletes warm up. Today I made the guys do yoga and I was actually impressed, even though some of them hated it. After that they started scrimmaging. We had a tournament in two days and I couldn't wait. The good thing about being the only girl here was that I got my own room at the hotels.

They and finished practicing and I was waiting for Brandon to get out the shower.


I got out of the shower thinking that Imani had already left, but she was sitting on the hood of my car. We took our repeat cars back to her apartment and watched movies the rest of the day.

Author's note

hort chapter

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