♤ 9

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"Bj wake up baby" I heard Imani say and felt a kiss on my cheek. "What mamas" I groaned pulling her closer into me. "I gotta go work out" she said. I still didn't move my arms from around her. She brought her hand down to my chest and I jumped loosening my arms. She got up and kissed me once more before I fell back into my slumber.


I had to get up early and go to volleyball practice. I was stressed out because I couldn't find my training gear and someone blocked my car in my parking spot so I had to take Brandon's truck. "Mani you're late gimme 10 laps" coach yelled at me as I ran through the doors. I threw my bag down and got to jogging. When I was done she made me sit out until we went into the weight room. I started doing my sit ups when Tierra came up to me.

"What's got you so grumpy?" She asked making me crack a smile. "Everything's making me mad today. Somebody boxed my car in the parking lot i had to drive Brandon's big ass truck" I ranted. She started laughing at me, I pouted and slapped her arm. "It's not funny" I told her. A loud whistle sounded off making me cover my ears.

"Imani just because you are slacking off doesn't mean you have to bring Tierra down with you" she said pointing to the basketball court. I already knew what she wanted and I got to running laps around the gym. I heard Armani and her little side minion giggling as I was running.

The basketball guys came in the gym and I forgot that I had Athletic Training after this. I waved at then as I was running. Armani stuck her foot out making me trip and fall onto my knees. I got up staring her down ready to knock her head off. "Imani did I say stop thats 40 more" he said making me look at him like he was crazy. I turned to Tierra for confirmation that I wasn't crazy and she just nodded her head telling me to do them.

I finally finished them all and I just put on my hoodie and sweats walking out of the lockeroom. I put my airpods in and went to the football field. The guys were doing conditioning so they were running sprints. "Hey mani" Nick said as I got him and the rest of the team their water. I have him a small smile, I know they saw what my coach and Armani did I just hope they didn't bring it up.

The rest of the practice went smooth until coach Callipari called me into his office. I couldn't help but think I did something wrong. "I saw your coach getting on you what happened?" He asked. I figured if I can trust anyone here it's him. I told him all that happened today and about how some of the girls get mistreated. Basically if your not white you get mistreated.

He told me to start documenting everyone she says or does something out of line. I told Tierra and the rest of the girls what coach told me and they liked the idea. After that I went to my last class of the day which was easy. I sat in the back like I do in all of my classes not really paying attention.

I staring off into space when I felt a tap on my shoulder, I took my airpods out and looked at her. "Do you wanna be my partner" she asked shyly. "Ok sorry I wasn't paying attention. Partners for what?" I asked hopeing it wasn't mandatory. "She said we need partners, mandatory" she gave a blank face and rolled her eyes making me laugh. "Yeah I'll be your partner" I told her.

We got to talking and she was actually pretty cool. I just wasn't looking forward to this project because it makes you go into detail about our families. We agreed we just FaceTime each other to fill this out within the next week. I finally got home and I just wanted to eat and be lazy for the rest of the day.

I ordered some super hot wings and a whole pie with some ice cream. I put on the boondocks and crashed out on the couch. "Aww is my baby sad" bj pouted sitting on the couch letting me lay down on him. "It shouldn't be like this" I stated looking up at him. "Yea your coach and that girl are both kind of bitches" he said making me laugh. "It makes me so mad" I don't even know what I did to her and she's just an asshole.

"I know I had a coach like that in middle school" he said. "What happened?" I asked dipping my fork into my pie. "He called me a name and I got my parents to cuss him out" he said taking the rest of my wings. "The bad part we were neighbors so everyday when he got his mail my parents cursed him out. They still do" he took the rest of my wings. I laughed at the thought of him getting cursed literally everywhere he saw them.

We spent the rest of the night watching movies.

Author's note
I know this was a boring chapter but vote and comment. Excuse all typos.


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