♤ 13

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"So how'd it go?" Tierra asked. "It was good I guess" I replied before jogging a way to start my warm ups. I had an early practice today and Jaslyn wanted to come so I let her sit in the stands. I'm hoping Coach Skinner doesn't have an attitude today. After we did all separate warm up drills we were called into a huddle.

"Ok today we're just going to also some drills I want y'all to focus on passing, serving, attacking, setting, blocking, and digging" he said. After I finished everything I took all my gear back and gave it to the team manager. I cut my ankle tape off and got in the ice tub.

I got dressed and went back into the gym. Jaslyn was talking to one of our assistant coaches. I stood off to the side until they were done. "Ahh thank you, thank you" she jumped on me. "What I do?" I asked putting her back in the floor. "Coach figured since you invited me your were like my mentor or something and I got invited to their camp next summer" she said. "That's great" I gave her a side hug.

I didn't have any classes for today so I agreed to take her around campus, then there was a frat party tonight.


"Can you chill out please?" I ran my hands through my hair. I decided to take my mom out for brunch today since she was leaving tommorow morning. "I'm just saying I don't think she's good for you" she throws her hands up. "You don't even know her that well" I said taking a bite out of my biscuit. "Son I know you like her but I'm just saying what I feel" she grabs my hand.

"Yeah but you don't even have a reason not to like her" I told her raising my voice. "Have you even met some of her family yet?" She questions like I didn't explain the whole family situation to her. "I met her brother she doesn't know any biological family" I said. I was really just over this while brunch. "Brandon what about Nikki? Y'all looked so happy"."mom just because me and Nikki grew up together didn't mean that we were going to be together forever" I told her. "Yea but you can't just give up" she sighs.

"Whatever, how is Brandi? Is she still playing ball?" I asked my mom about my little sister. My parents got a divorce when I was really young and Brandi was just born. Long story short she lives with my dad and just visits my mom. "Yea she's just loving living with her daddy" she rolled her eyes making me laugh. "Aight well I think that we should be heading back" I said stuffing my hands back into my pocket after putting money on the table.

I got up and pushed my chair back quickly walking to the exit. I unlocked my truck and hopped inside putting my phone on the charger. My mom opened the passenger door and jumped into the seat. My plan is to drop her off at the hotel them go back to mani's and get ready for this party that was in like 2 hours. I played my music then backed out of the parking lot.


Right as I'm about to pull into the hotel my mom decides to tell me that she wanted to day goodbye to Mani and she had something to give me. I let her run in and she grabbed a small bag then came back into the car. I pulled into the parkin lot sighing. I love my mom but after I talked to her earlier, I was ready for her to leave. I pulled out my key which had a photo of me an Mani and opened the door.

"Wassup ugly" I greeted Jaslyn who was on the couch watching grown-ish. I ran up the stairs into the bedroom and threw myself on the bed screaming into one of the pillows.


I walked out of the bathroom hearing screams. "What's wrong Bj?" I asked seeing him curled up in a ball on the bed. "I'm just so ready for them to leave" he whined. "C'mon" I grabbed his hand dragging him all the way downstairs. "Hi Alissa" I gave her a hug that she seemed reluctant to give back. "So what'd y'all do today?" By asked sittin down on the couch.

"Well, mani took me to her practice then we walked all around campus" Jaslyn said.


"Goodbye guys" Imani said closing the door behind them. They had talked for an hour and a half and Imani was ready to get to the frat party. Brandon ran upstairs quickly changing into a different outfit. Imani went to go check her makeup and outfit in the mirror when she saw a black duffle bag in the corner of her eye. She knew that Alissa brought for Bj and she shouldn't open it but she really wanted to know what was in there.

Making sure that Brandon was still upstairs she opened the bag and grabbed the first thing on top which happened to be a photo book. She flipped through the pages smiling, happy to see some parts of Brandon's childhood. When she got to the back of the book the last picture made her mouth drop. Thinking her eyes were playing tricks on her she took the picture out of the slip.

"Baby you ready?" Brandon came down the stairs. He noticied that she wasn't paying attention and took a step closer to her. "What is this?" She asked turning around to look him in the face.

"Damn it I knew she was finna do some disrespectful shit like this" he yelled taking the picture out of her hands

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"Damn it I knew she was finna do some disrespectful shit like this" he yelled taking the picture out of her hands. At this point Imani had figured out what was going on and she didn't like it.

She watched Brandon stare at the picture in his hand, almost like he was doing anything to reminisce the moment. Imani scoffed and stomped out of the house making sure she slammed the door.


The car ride was so silent that you could hear a pin drop. As soon as Bj parked in the side of the street mani got out speedwalking into the frat house. "Hey Girl what's wr-" "I need a drink" mani uttered cutting Tierra off, walking past her accidental bumping her shoulder. She went straight to the kitchen grabbing the bottle of vodka pouring it into a cup. She wasted no time to down the whole thing.

"This ain't even strong enough" she said to herself goin back and pouring herself some hennesy. Imani didn't know if this was going to take a toll on her relationship or not, all she knew was she was she wasn't going to let this mess with her head.

Author's note

I'm so sorry it took me so long to update, I'm going to try and get better. Did y'all like this chapter? What y'all think gonna happen next? Vote and comment.

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