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I woke up really early this morning to the sound of my alarm clock going off. I groaned running my eyes and yawning. Imani stirred in her sleep next to me and I tried my best to keep quiet.

I had to drive all the way back to campus and go in my dorm to get some stuff I had to turn into coach C. It was really rare that I actually go to my dorm and I was glad because Terrance stays up all night. I'm surprised I haven't gotten in trouble yet. On the way to my room I decided to get a coffee. I slipped some snacks into my empty backpack, I needed to bring some clothes back over to mani's.

When it was my turn in line I automatically said my order without looking up. "Brandon?" I heard a high pitched voice which made me look up. "Wassup Asia" I greeted her handing her my card. "No it's on the house" he pushed the card back holding into my hand. "Uh thanks" I rubbed the back of my neck. As soon as I got my coffee I took my ass across campus.

When I entered my building people were already in the lobby probably from not making curfew last night. I got on the elevator and called Imani knowing she was up. "Hey baby, did you make it there safe?" She asked. "Yea mama I'm here" I told her getting off of the elevator. Walking past some of the rooms I heard things I definantely didn't want to hear.

I walked up to my room and entered the code into the keypad and opened the door. Mani was rambling on and on about what she wanted to do while we were on the trip we're going on in a couple if days. Pushing the door open I heard It's signature laugh that sounded like a spray bottle. "T shut the hell up you so loud" I yelled. I dropped my back and went into the livin room.

What I saw made my jaw drop. "Yo your cousin is funny as shit" T said. My mom and Jaslyn were on the couch having a conversation with him. "What y'all doing here?" I asked making then snap their heads toward us. "Nice to see you too" Jaslyn ran up and gave me a hug and I gave my mom a hug and a kiss.

"We just came to visit because we missed you" my mom said squinting her eyes at me. "What you came over for?" T asked. "What you mean?" I asked hoping he wouldn't say anything stupid. "You only come over like once a month and thats when you need clothes" he said. I mentally slapped myself when my mom raises her eyebrow.

"So where you be then?" My mom asked. "Atmygirlfriendshouse" I mumbled quickly. "Huh?" "At my girlfriends house" I said slower. "When was I going to find out?" I looked to the side because I didn't really have an answer. "I want to meet her" my eyes went wide. "Huh?" I asked hoping I was hearing things. "If you can huh you can hear" she said. "Aight" I sighed heavily.

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