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Imani || a few weeks later

Today was going to be a pretty good day. I have a game in about 2 hours and the guys have a game tonight. Right now I was walking to the lockeroom to get dressed. "Imani" I knew that voice. I turned around and Nick is full on running to catch up to me. He even pushed some guy on the floor making me bust out laughing.

"Hey nick" I said still chuckling. "You ready for the game the whole team popping up" he asked. "Yea I'm ready" I spent all night watching film on Memphis' pre season. He walked me to the lockeroom then started talking to Tierra so I got ready.

We had about 20 minutes to warm up before the game. I was getting my hands taped when I heard alot of commotion from the student section. I look up and see ty finding a seat with the basketball team. I was about to leave the wrapping station but coach said I had to stay on the court. I just waved at him and continued warming up.

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We won the game and I did really good. I'm walking out of the lockeroom when all of a sudden I get picked up. "Heyy mani" I knew it was Tyler because he's the only one that calls me that. "Hey ty" he put me down. We started walking to the parking lot and I seen he got a new car. "Damn ty this is nice" I said touching the range rover. "I do a lil sumn sumn" he said dusting off his shoulders. "Boy" I pushed him and we both laughed.

We got in his car and started driving somewhere. "You coming to the basketball game later?" I asked him trying to spark up some conversation. "Yea I'm going you?" He asked and I laughed. "Did you forget? I'm the athletic trainer" I said still laughing. "Oh yea how's that going?" I thought about it for a while. "I really like it it's so fun and all the guys are funny" I replied thinking about all the fun we've had.

We get inside some diner and find a spot to sit at. This really pretty waitress came up to us. "Hey Tyler" she said excitedly and ty got up to hug her. ""It's been so long how you been?" She asked "I've been good" he answers. I had a smirk plastered on my face. "I'm Jamsine" she sticks her hand out and I shake it. "Imani" I tell her and she does a double take. "Your the sister he's always talking about" she says and ty's face goes red. "I guess that's me"

"So how's Miami so far?" I've never been to Miami so I was curious. "It's good but sometimes I wish I would've stayed in college" he says. "Why?" If I had the opportunity to go to the Nba I would take it. "The public knows too much about me like I can't even go to the store without a camera being in my face" he says. I guess I didn't really think of it like that.

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"Stawpp" I said trying to push Brandon off from on top of me. Net even 10 minutes after ty dropped me off Brandon came in unannounced to bother me. Over the past couple weeks we've became like best friends. But that hasn't stopped Brandon from flirting with me and to be honest I like it.

"C'mon lemme take you out" he said pouting like a little boy. I gave him my world winning 'boy please' face and he smacked his lips. "So you don't have any feelings toward me" damn it I knew he was going to ask this. "I didn't say that" I sighed standing up and getting ice cream out of my freezer.

"See we both like each other so let me take you out" I just ignored him and turned on my movie. This dude had the audacity to stand in front of my tv like cut the cameras, deadass. "Ok if we win the game tonight and I get atleast 20 points let me take you out" he said taking my spoon and eating some of my ice cream. I thought about it and there was no reason for me to turn it down. "Ok" I said.

He got up and started dancing like a crazy man. I laughed and we spent the rest of the time cuddling and watching the movie.


I'm sitting on the team bench watching the guys warm up when I see Tyler walking in and guess what he brought Jasmine. I knew I wasn't the only reason he came out here. They announced him and the stands started to go wild. I started to think about this deal I made with brandon. I mean was he even starting?

It's halftime right now and it's not looking too good. We were down by 10. And to answer my question from earlier Brandon did start. I was so thankful I was a trainer and got to sit on the bench because I a great view of my future husband Lester Quinones.

The buzzer went off meaning that the  half was about to start

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The buzzer went off meaning that the  half was about to start. We got the ball and Tyreese passed it to Nick and Bj curled to the ball at the 3 point line and splashed it making the crowd go nuts. When he was returning on defense he made sure to wink at me.

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There was 2 minutes left on the clock and we were down by 5. Brandon was way passed his 20 point mark and I just hoped we could pull out a win. We had been doing good at not fouling Memphis so far. Another minute and a half was shaved off the clock in no time and the Memphis lead was cut down to 2. We held the ball and right before the shot clock went out Nick threw it across court to Bj and he shot a step back 3. The whole gym was silent until you heard the 'swoosh' of the ball going in.

We all stormed onto the court hugging and congratulating him. Since I was small I was at the very outside of the circle. Bj broke through the crowd and stepped up to me. He dropped the ball that he still had in his hand and I jumped ontom him hugging him. When he put me down he stared into my eyes for a second. "Fuck it" he whispered before smashing his lips onto mine.

What Jasmine looks like

Author's noteDid y'all like this chapter? What y'all want to happen next? Please go show my other books some love

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Author's note
Did y'all like this chapter? What y'all want to happen next? Please go show my other books some love. I hope everyone is staying safe with this caronavirus.


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