♤ 8

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I sighed as I played in Bj's hair. I had got back from my trip a day ago and I have a week off from practice. There was really nothing to do, I still haven't explored Kentucky like everyone else. My phone dinged making me move his head and grab my phone off the charger.

"Are you going to that party tommorow?" I asked getting Brandon's attention

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"Are you going to that party tommorow?" I asked getting Brandon's attention. "Only if you are" he replied pulling me back down for him to lay on me. "Well I am so we got to go shopping later" I said, soon I fell asleep.

¤ • ¤ • ¤ • ¤ • ¤ • ¤

"No" Brandon said folding his arms, I laughed. We're at the mall because I need a new outfit and bathing suit for this party tommorow. Every bathing suit I showed Bj he rejected. If it was up to him I wouldn't even be getting in the water. "Aight let's go" he walked out while I checked out but I slipped the bathing suit in with my shorts.

We are at chick-fil-a then we went to some more stores. When we got to my house we were too tired to do anything so we just slept.

■ ○ (next day) ○ ■

"Aye aye aye" I said hyping up Tierra as she tweeted to Captain Hook by Megan. She came over here to get ready for the party with me. I put on a sundress over my bathing suit. Making sure I had everything I need I got in the car with Tierra and started driving. About 10 minutes before j got to the party I got a call from Bj.

"Hello" I put him on speaker. "You almost here?" He asked, I could barely hear him because of the noise. " Yea I'm almost there" I told him honking my horn at the dumbass in front of me. "Aight wait for me before you go in. I want everybody to see you with me" he said making me laugh. I hung up and Tierra was looking at me with a dumb smirk on her face.

"And y'all haven't fucked yet?" She asked. I swear I choked on air.  We haven't talked about that much, but I'm not going to lie and say it hasn't crossed my mind before. Neither of us are virgins but I regret my first time so this would be like a do-over. By the time all of this was over we had made it to the mansion. Huge was an understatement I know that this costed a fortune.

As promised Bj was waiting for me outside along with Nick and Tyreese. I hugged them all leaving Bj for last giving him a kiss. "Hey" I greeted him. He dragged me to the backyard where the rest of the team was. There was limited space so Bj pulled me down onto his lap.

"What y'all gonna do for this break?" Nick spoke up. I shrugged my shoulder not really having an answer. I was either going to stay on campus or go to Miami to see Ty but I doubt he wants to be bothered with me. "I think I'm going back home" Bj said. "Me too" Tierra added. "I don't wanna see my bighead siblings so I'm going on a trip with my cousins" he said.

"Don't talk about my besties like that" I smacked his arm. I met his siblings last year, they were twins a girl and a boy. They were so nice and cute they made me wish I had a younger sibling. "Mani I had to live with them for all they life. Cuteness doesnt last forever, well except for me of course" he said, the last part killed me. "I can't wait to meet them the way y'all talk about them" Tierra said.

At some point the conversation got boring so Brandon turned me facing him and I was just taking in my surroundings.

Light me up, light me up
I done seen the whole world and ain't no one near hot as us
Bankrolls, dank roll, they ain't really as loud as us
I be hopin' that it's love but it really just be the lust
Anything for a rush now, it's Van Nuys on the touchdown
It's a cold world, get a bust down

I started rapping but I got out of breath making me stop. I took a cup out of Bj's hand and took a gulp from it. To my surprise it wasn't anything hard, it was fruity and I liked it. I started to get loose and dance to the beat of the music in the background.

Like the way she work, ayy
She always puts me first, yeah
And I know I've been around
But I swear you got the best on earth, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Bj muttered placing one of my box braids behind my ear. People were starting to get into the pool so I got up and took my sundress off. "You still got that?" Bj asked stunned.

"Yep" I dipped my foot into the pool and it was so warm

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"Yep" I dipped my foot into the pool and it was so warm. Bj left to go get me a drink and refill his. In the corner of my eye I saw a girl throw her drink in Terrance's face making me laugh and shake my head.

"Shut up" he walked over to me and pushed my head under the water. When I got back up I threw everything around me at him only hitting him a couple of times. I realized that Bj hasn't came back with my drink yet do I get out the pool and make my way to the kitchen. I saw that Bj had his back against the wall with a drink in each hand.

This girl had him cornered. I got closer without them seeing me so I could hear what they was saying. "I'm telling you I got a girlfriend" I heard him explain to her. "She doesn't have to know" she complained. I decided I heard enough and mad my way towards them. "Baby what's taking so long with my drink?" I asked.

"My bad I was held up" he said hanging my cup to me. He kissed me and I heard the girl scoff them walk away. The rest of the night we had a bunch of fun with the rest of the team.

Author's note

I had some writers block which is why I didn't update earlier. I hope y'all liked it. Vote and comment.


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