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Within a few weeks, Sophia and—as she'd learned his name, Michael were on their way to their first actual date night. Brunch was just brunch, mainly because of the timing of their scheduled lunchtime, but now there was total freedom to spend proper time with each other.

Sophia met Michael at the restaurant he reserved for them because she didn't want him driving too far just to pick her up when she has a perfectly working vehicle at her disposal. Her door was opened by the valet on arrival and Michael met her with an outstretched arm which he used to hold on to her, now outstretched arm.

Once inside, they were escorted to their table for dinner. In true gentleman form, he retracted the seat for Sophia and once she was seated, took his. The menus appeared to have a bit of every culture on every page, so the decision would be based on what they felt like having tonight instead of just what the menu offered.

They both ordered steak and ribs with mashed potatoes and fries along with a glass of wine to go with it. The waiter took their order and returned to the kitchen while Sophia and Michael sat and spoke for a bit at the table. Michael was an interesting guy judging from first impressions, but there was still some doubt in her mind about him as an individual.

Either way, he'd spend his hard-earned money behind her in order to get her home to his bedroom. Aware of this, she of herself didn't mind, but he'd have to be great company and a potential partner in her eyes. According to how the night went, she'd know if she was going with him or not.

After ten minutes or so, their orders returned and in abundance too. Their wine was poured and they both touched glasses before partaking in their meal. Knife and fork etiquette was practiced by them both and Sophia was really impressed.

"So, what interests you, Sophia?" He asked.

"Honestly, I like learning, sports and movies!" she replied.

"...and what about you?" she asked.

"Sports, tech, and people with great conversational skills!" he replied.

Sophia at least had one thing in common and she at least found something they could both speak about. Their favorite team in soccer and basketball were exactly the same. It was like finding a sporting soulmate and she loved it.

The conversation was great and to make things even better, Michael was a career medic in the government sector. The night was shaping up to be a memorable one and Sophia was beginning to show a bit more interest in Michael.

After dinner, they went to the amusement park which was located directly at the edge of town on the pier. They went on rides and ate cotton candy, basking in the ambiance of laughter and excitement. They spent about an hour in the amusement park before they began to walk through the park.

There was a bench there that was free, so they sat and spoke some more. Laughing and joking around, they were having a great time. There was then an awkward silence and Sophia reached over and kissed Michael. It was a surprise for him, but for her, it was as natural as breathing.

Before long, Sophia found herself in the home of Michael. Stripped to bare soft, silky skin, Sophia lay on the bed awaiting Michael to finish undressing. The lights were dimmed with the gesture of his hand and the anxiety from seeing his rock hard body had her wetter than she'd expected.

Once Michael got into bed, he kissed her softly, causing her to moan anxiously. Michael caressed her from head to toe before Sophia had enough and pulled him closer. She grabbed his genitals and guided it into her. He moaned as he felt the wet interior of her velvet vagina.

Sophia was impressed with the size and movement of Michael's penis. So much so that she came briefly after the first five minutes of stroking. Being the addict that she is, Sophia wanted more of Michael. Michael proved himself to be just as addicted as he himself loved the fact that she came and still wanted to continue.

After the second session, Michael and Sophia were equally exhausted. They lay breathless next to each other, occasionally smiling. Michael—once he caught his breath, turned to Sophia and embraced her lovingly. She kissed his lips and embraced him in return, closing her eyes in the process.

A great end to a wonderful evening for Sophia and Michael. Sophia was actually having the time of her life and didn't want it to end. Suddenly his phone rang, it was work. There had been an emergency and he was the closest medic available.

He took an oath, so he had no choice but to leave what he was doing, in order to help save lives. Sophia was a bit disappointed, but she understood. Michael and Sophia both took a bath and before he made it to work, he returned Sophia to her vehicle so that she may drive home.

They kissed as they departed and Sophia was then on her way home. On her way home, she couldn't stop thinking about the time she had with Michael. The conversations they had and the sex they partook of. As she arrived home she went straight to her bed. Her phone in hand, Sophia began looking through the pictures and conversations they shared.

Dating a medic had its cons and pros, but she wished that she should be able to be with someone who had their life in order, financially stable and able to always be there for her when she needed them for service or not. The problem with that way of thinking was that in order to get what she wanted, she would need two men in order to fulfill such an impossible task. She then put her phone down and went to bed for the night.

Transcript For Courting- Book 2: DiscontentedWhere stories live. Discover now