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As she had awoken properly the next day, Sophia was greeted by a doctor and nurse.

"Oh! You're awake finally!" said the doctor.

"What am I doing here?" asked Sophia.

"You were brought here after you collapsed in town!" explained the doctor.

"Good news! Your baby was unharmed. You're a lucky woman!" explained the nurse.

Sophia smiled, but deep down inside, she was unsure if she wanted to keep it or not. After all, how else can she be able to do shaky stuff with a child at home? She would be a mother now and therefore she'd be more concerned about her child. Devon would only know when the time is right, but for now, he's doing just fine.

The doctor then gave Sophia a more serious look while he reviewed her file.

"Miss Sophia I also have some terrible news!" stated the doctor.

Sophia instantly got worried.

"What is it doc?" she asked.

The doctor then instructed the nurse to give Sophia a glass of water.

"We ran some tests on your blood when you were brought in and it appears that..." started the doctor.

"Appears that what doctor?" Sophia asked in a worried but angry voice.

"...You have contracted H.I.V..." explained the doctor.

"What!?" she shouted as tears immediately ran down her face.

"It's unfortunate miss Sophia, but it's treatable and your baby doesn't need to contract it!" explained the doctor.

Sophia's life flashed before her eyes and all she could think about was Devon. She must have contracted it from Samantha when they had their session that day and as she returned home, she had sex with Devon. Breaking the news to him would be devastating, but if he really does love her, then he'd forgive her eventually.

Sophia was being watched for a while before she was discharged into the world with medicine for the treatment of the virus. Once Devon was contacted on the first day, the doctors broke the news to him and he was also devastated. He immediately took a test and the results would be in his hands during the next two hours or so.

He was allowed to see Sophia, but there would have to be security personnel to oversee that he didn't strangle her on the hospital bed. They spoke, cried, and eventually laughed with each other, since they may very well have to live with each other for the rest of their unhealthy lives.

There was now a moment of insecurity amongst themselves and Devon had to find a way to live a normal life again with the woman who supposedly shortened his life span. Sophia was devastated-not just because of her condition, but for ruining the life of the man who trusted her.

Once Sophia was discharged, she returned home with Devon, who she feared would turn violent on her at some point. She stayed with him because she had nowhere else to go and if he killed her, then her suffering would be short. Sophia and Devon had a long conversation at home which exploded into random shouting and apologetic gestures.

She admitted to her unfaithful ways with Joshwin and the one threesome with Samantha. She also admitted that Josie tried stopping her from being a little whore, but she wasn't listening. Not caring about her wellbeing and doing the worst things sexually is exactly what has Sophia in this position.

By now Joshwin was long gone and Samantha was most likely, already infecting someone else with the virus. Now there were four persons that have the virus that they know of. There must be millions of people in the world who have the same problem, but now that they are new to this world, they will discover a lot more from going clinic and functions that they would now have to sign up for.

Sophia had a loss of appetite and Devon ate as usual. Sophia needed to see Josie and speak with her, but their timing was so different, that getting into contact with her would mean going to her place of work. Sophia asked Devon to carry her to town tomorrow, but he had prior engagements.

* * *

The next day, Sophia and Devon both left the house together but went their separate ways. Sophia could see the hurt on Devon's face as he left, but there was nothing she could do at this point. After a few minutes, Sophia had finally gotten a taxi to take her to town and once she was on her way, she began rehearsing her conversation in her head.

Unsure if their friendship would be the same, Sophia feared the worst once she had broken the news to her. On arrival, Sophia looked long and hard at the building before a voice asked if they can help.

"HI, I'm looking for miss Josie," she stated.

"Do you have an appointment by chance?" asked the woman.

"I was unaware that I needed one, but can you tell her it's Sophia, her best friend?" explained Sophia.

With that, the woman invited Sophia inside to have a seat and returned to the inner quarters of the building. A few moments later, Josie emerged from behind the big gold-colored door and greeted Sophia.

Sophia began to cry when she saw Josie, so she escorted Sophia somewhere more privately. Once they made their way there, Sophia still couldn't stop crying.

"Did Devon hurt you?" asked Josie.

"No!" replied Sophia.

"Did Joshwin hurt you again or did Devon find out about your history with Joshwin?" asked Josie again.

"No, it's nothing like that!" stated Sophia.

"Then what is it?" asked Josie.

"I've been to the doctor after falling in front of this building recently and turns out, I have H.I.V!" explained Sophia.

Josie was startled and nearly fell off her seat after Sophia broke the news to her. Josie couldn't believe it and this was too serious to say 'I told you', so Josie embraced Sophia with so much love and they spoke about everything in detail that they missed out about each other.

Transcript For Courting- Book 2: DiscontentedWhere stories live. Discover now