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Sophia jumped out of her sleep and to her surprise, night was upon her. The television flickered in front of her and there was no evidence that Devon had been awake since he retired to bed. Sophia checked her phone and she saw no missed calls or messages. This was strange knowing that Joshwin tried his best to contact her earlier in the day and now there was no evidence of contact for the remainder of the day.

Josie didn't call or message and that was strange to her as well. Sophia finally got off of the couch and proceeded to the bedroom where she noticed Devon fast asleep since his meal. She didn't poison the food, so there was no way he could be dead, but she went into the room for a closer look. She discovered that he was just fast asleep and he was indeed alive up to this point.

There was no guilt to be had on her part, so she proceed back to the living room for her phone so she could message Josie. As she opened the messaging app, she saw Josie was online, so she sent a message. Josie responded immediately, but sarcastically and Sophia had noticed which made her feel even worse about what she had done.

"Please stop this Josie, I'm already feeling bad as it is about what I've done?" Sophia sent in a voice note.

"What are you feeling guilty about babe?" asked Devon who suddenly appeared being her.

Sophia dropped the phone in fright and she lashed out at Devon for it.

"Why are you trying to give me a heart attack?" asked Sophia.

"I wasn't trying to babe..." he started before she interrupted him.

"... Well next time, announce yourself or make noise or something. My heart isn't good you know!" explained Sophia.

She picked up her phone and without answering Devon's question, she walked into the other room and locked the door. She continued messaging Josie explaining to her how she exploded on Devon. She felt bad about it, but she had to do something to avoid his question. Devon wasn't the type of person to come knocking or begging Sophia, so she guessed he returned to his quarters and she was alone out front.

A while later, Sophia cracked the door open just enough to peer out at the living room. There was no sign of Devon, so she proceeded to the bathroom. She locked the door behind her and lay her phone on the top of the face sink faced down. As she was almost finished taking her bath, Sophia's phone rang. She stuck her head out from behind the shower curtains and flipped the phone over-It was Joshwin.

Sophia retracted her head back behind the curtains and continued her bath. Joshwin needed to stop calling her, but the courage she lacked interfered with her putting a stop to it. There was also the fact that Sophia still loved Joshwin deep down inside, but only if he shows that he can be the man she needs, then Sophia will be willing to drop everything and commit.

She knew deep down, her dream was not going to happen, but for some stupid reason, she could not let it go. Sophia held on to the mustard seed of faith she had in him and prayed each day that he would give her the reason to rejoice one day. Until that day, Sophia would ride whatever train she had to until the wheels fell off. Out of the shower, Sophia changed her attire and went walking for a bit.

This would give her a chance to clear her mind and think for a bit about what she really wanted out of life. Half an hour later, Sophia had now strolled into the park. She sat on a bench in a shady area and studied the area. Along the park were little children playing and couples talking and laughing. She was the only single person around that she could notice, but that had quickly changed when she heard a voice from behind.

"Hi, excuse me!" the voice said to her.

As she looked over her shoulder, she was speechless. A tall, caramel complexion, handsome and muscular male stood, maybe six feet nine inches behind her.

"Is anyone sitting here beside you?" He asked.

"N... N... N... No one is s... s... sitting here!" she stuttered.

The handsome figure then took his seat beside her and she could only watch him and smile.

"Hey! Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yu... Yeah, I am!" she responded.

"My name is Kyle!" He introduced himself.

"And yours?" He asked

"I'm Sophia!" she responded.

Sophia had never been so nervous in her life, but the troubling thing is that Devon was well off and at home, she's nervous for Kyle and she wanted Joshwin over all of the guys. Things were getting out of hand, but the temptation of the deals and offers she had been getting is clouding her judgment.

When Sophia was supposed to say something, she went along with the game as he was playing with the hearts of the two men. Joshwin was the only one of the three that plays with her's. The saying about Karma is so true and Sophia hadn't noticed it just yet. She spoke with Kyle for about an hour, before he had to leave. They exchanged numbers and he was off once more.

Sophia was in a better frame of mind knowing of the continuous compliments she has been getting recently and it was getting to be a bit complexed for her. Yet she continued on her path that Josie warned her about and she needed to tell someone about her new future mister-providing that she makes the decision.

Josie was the only person she could tell, but she wouldn't be too happy about it. Either way, she had to talk to get it off her chest and Josie was going to listen.

Transcript For Courting- Book 2: DiscontentedWhere stories live. Discover now