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They finally stopped and Sophia smiled as she looked at the surroundings. Josie looked at the expression on Sophia's face and giggled to herself.

"You remember this place?" asked Josie.

"How could I forget!" stated Sophia.

When Sophia and Josie were younger, they hopped a bus and made their way out of town. This was their last stop before realizing that they had literally nowhere to go. They spent some time here, looking at the city in the distance and talking out their problems.

Sophia missed this place for so long. After many years away from this city, she had almost forgotten about it, but this was where their friendship peaked and it was just rekindled by the view alone.

"Wish we could stay here until night!" said Sophia.

"Do you have somewhere to go?" asked Josie.

"... Well, no!" replied Sophia.

"Then we'll stay here until night!" said Josie.

There were almost three more hours until nightfall, so they had to make the best of it. They ordered pizza just in case and sat reminiscing about the good times back then.

Before they knew it, they watched the sun set behind the horizon of the crowded city ahead. It was beautiful but not as beautiful as when the lights finally turned itself on. Street lights, traffic lights, and simple outdoor illuminated lights added character to the view and the nostalgia was felt by them both.

There was nothing more beautiful than this view, that they have both ever seen in their entire lives—and that says a lot. Sophia interlocked her fingers with Josie's, which made Josie smile before actually looking at Sophia.

They then looked at each other and smiled before turning back to the view.

"I would be one hundred years old and I'll never get tired of this view!" said Josie.

"I want my ashes released from here at this exact time of evening when I die!" said Sophia.

They found themselves staying an hour up there just taking it all in for a moment before they actually returned home.

"What's for dinner?" asked Sophia.

Josie giggled as she heard Sophia's question.

"You've always studied your stomach and you never changed!" replied Josie.

"Why change? I'm not a hundred dollar bill?" replied Sophia.

They both giggled girlishly for a moment before Josie decided on something to make for dinner. Sophia volunteered to help Josie or even make dinner if she would allow her to, so Josie decided that it would be fun if Sophia made dinner for them both.

Sophia told Josie to sit and wait in the living room while she prepared. Josie then made her way over to the couch and turned on the television. From the living room, you could hear Josie chopping, stirring, grating and shaking. It was like listening to a cooking show without actually seeing what was going on.

Once Sophia had prepped and gotten everything under control. She sat next to Josie and flashed her phone in front of her.

"What do you think of him?" asked Sophia.

"He's cute! Who is he?" asked Josie.

"Josh Baldino! An artist!" replied Sophia.

"That's your fetish now?" asked Josie.

"No, not really! He's been messaging me for a while now and he wants to carry me for lunch tomorrow!" Sophia explained.

"Are you going?" asked Josie.

"I'm not sure, that's why I'm asking you!" replied Sophia.

"He doesn't seem to be anyone on a most wanted poster, so go for it. Just be safe!" explained Josie.

"I hope he has a big tool!" said Sophia.

"Is that all you're thinking about?" asked Josie.

"Hey, it's been a while since I last had any!" stated Sophia.

Josie just giggled to herself and shook her head before turning back to the television. Sophia returned to the kitchen to check on her meal, then she began singing.

Sophia was always free-spirited, so trying to tie her down would only make her more subjected to break free. A relationship with Sophia would mean taking a risk on your heart. If she likes you, she'll stay, but once she starts to lose interest or you do something to mess with her mind, she'll leave faster than a Spanish with a full stomach—no offense to anyone.

Sophia had finished her meal and dished out both their plates before calling Josie to the table. Surprised at the way the meal looked and the way the table was set, Josie couldn't contain herself. She couldn't wait to sit and taste what Sophia had made.

"Let's go wash our hands first shall we!" stated Sophia.

Sophia washed her hands in the kitchen sink, as the bathroom sink was all the way upstairs and she wasn't in the mood to do too much walking at the moment. As she sat at the table, she waited on Josie to return before partaking in the meal she prepared.

Once Josie returned downstairs, she sat at the table and began to eat small morsels. Once she had the precise taste in her mouth, she took large bites.

"So... How does it taste?" asked Sophia.

"Honestly, it's wonderful and delicious!" replied Josie.

"I learned that recipe from my favorite grandmother before her passing!" Sophia explained.

"I'm sorry!" replied Josie.

"Don't worry about it! It's been a long time!" stated Sophia.

Once Sophia had confirmation on her cooking, she too began to partake in the meal. It was so good that they both had a second helping. Once they were filled, they looked at each other giggling at the fact that they were so full, that they couldn't quite move just yet.

It would take some determination to get up at this point, but there was no rush at the moment. Josie then checked her phone and instantly became excited.

"I know what we're watching tonight!" said Josie.

Sophia confused, just looked at Josie with an expression on her face that resembled that of a meme she'd seen earlier.

"Whatchu talking bout Willis!" said Sophia in a male tone of voice.

Transcript For Courting- Book 2: DiscontentedWhere stories live. Discover now