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The next half hour met Sophia at the mall with Josie. She appeared to be a bit more jolly and anxious about something, so Sophia addressed the elephant in the room.

"Why are you so anxious?" asked Sophia.

"Wouldn't you like to know!" replied Josie.

"Well... Yes! That's why I asked!" explained Sophia.

"I had just gotten a phone call from the office!" stated Josie.

"Yeah!... Annnd?" asked Sophia.

"I'm up for a promotion!" stated Josie.

"Oh my God! I'm so happy for you!" said Sophia.

They both then continued into the mall where Josie decided to take some of her hard-earned money and fund her new position with new attire. Sexy but professional would be the new Josie and now she would be the hottest cougar in the office.

This also meant that Josie would be working regular hours and have a lot more responsibility and commitment to the firm. Sophia knew that her time with Josie would be less than usual and she'd have to treat Devon better if she stood any chance of being able to make it in this life.

As Josie came out of the changing room in her professional attire, Sophia was astonished. She never thought of Josie as such a professional, but more of a casual person as herself.

"So how do I look?" asked Josie.

"Like a professional cougar at the office!" replied Sophia.

"Good! That's the look I was going for!" stated Josie.

With that, she returned to the changing room where she emerged sometime later in the clothes she left home with. Josie had one more stop to make while at the mall and it was the most popular amongst all women. Josie made her way to Shoe Kingdom around the corner and Sophia instantly went wild with the shoes and the prices she saw at the door.

An hour later, saw both Josie and Sophia emerge from the depths of Shoe Kingdom. Three bags each in hand, they finally proceeded to the vehicle where they would now proceed home. On their way home, Sophia had the opportunity to delete all evidence of Joshwin's recent interjection in her life.

Devon hadn't called or messaged and Sophia had hoped that he was in a better mood than before. She couldn't bear to break his heart knowing that he is a potential ticket out of her own selfish world, so she kept Joshwin a secret of her past that just happens to enter her future.

Josie drove Sophia home and to their surprise, Devon's car wasn't there. Sophia proceeded inside and there was no sign of anything out of place nor suspicious. She finally decided to call his phone which went straight to voicemail. Josie decided not to stay, but to proceed home and return by nightfall if he still hadn't shown.

Sophia dropped her bags on the floor of their bedroom and sat at the end of their bed trying to reach Devon. Still, his phone went to voicemail and after a few attempts, she got frustrated and lay on the bed thinking.

She wondered where he could have gone with an injury like his and drive his vehicle properly, but nothing came to mind. She scolded herself for not taking the proper time to get to know Devon, but it can do no good at this moment in time. Sophia just had to be patient and hope that he does come home to her tonight.

Sophia paced herself all around the house, looking for any signs that could have shown Devon's whereabouts. There wasn't a note, nor an open newspaper with an article, nothing that could help her locate Devon. She began to ponder the worst as the night grew closer.

Just then Devon's light flashed as he pulled into the driveway and Sophia was suddenly relieved. Excited and a bit startled, Sophia ran out to the car to greet Devon, but Devon's face wasn't angry as she expected. Sophia apologized to Devon and explained herself—throwing a few white lies around in the equation.

Devon accepted the apology and helped himself out of the vehicle on his stick. He had shown up for his appointment at the hospital today and the x-ray found that he was healing properly, so they replaced his crutches for a walking stick. On his way home, he visited some friends and ran some errands before actually making it back home a minute ago.

Sophia was worried about Devon's wellbeing—which was a bit ironic since she cheated on him and her main intention was to use and abuse. To each his own—as they say, but Sophia actually felt something for Devon and it was new to her as well.

Unsure of what it actually was, she tried researching it online but found all kinds of illnesses. She then assumed she was researching it all wrong, so she immediately stopped. She tried reaching out to Josie, but she was unreachable at the moment—maybe she was still driving or taking a bath at the moment of her call.

Sophia then proceeded to cook dinner for Devon and herself as a gesture of goodwill. There was no evidence of him acting funny in any way, but Sophia—because of her sneaky, conniving deeds, was a bit insecure. She tried her best to be normal and calm, so she decided to put on some music while she made dinner.

The music helped drastically, as she needed something to take her insecurity away for a bit. She was now able to concentrate on her task instead of worrying about selling herself out. Once dinner was finished, Devon appeared at the table for his meal. He complimented her on the aroma of the meal and began to partake.

The sound of him frantically chewing and seeing him close his eyes on the first bite, gave an indication of just how good her meal tasted. Sophia smiled as she began partaking as well and they had a quiet dinner tonight.

Transcript For Courting- Book 2: DiscontentedWhere stories live. Discover now