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After—–what appeared to be forever waiting outside the door for Devon, he was finally wheeled outside where he was allowed some time with Sophia and Josie. They had to return to the nurse's station soon, then to the waiting area before collecting the x-ray of Devon's bones.

Sophia was the one who initiated the conversation with Devon, and Josie followed her lead. Josie still felt bad for putting Devon in a wheelchair and was a bit worried that her silence would be mistaken for something that it isn't.

Sophia—flirtatious as ever, began her assault on Devon. The conversation went from innocent and harmless to provocative and lustful. Josie began feeling even more sorry for Devon, as she knew Sophia all too well, with her agendas and inhumane lust for self-satisfaction.

"I need to use the washroom!" said Josie, so that she may excuse herself.

Sophia and Devon both nodded their heads simultaneously before returning to their conversation. Josie went strolling along the corridor of the current floor and made her way over to the recovery ward, where patients—after surgery, are housed until discharged.

Here, Josie came across a family friend, of whom she hadn't seen in a while.

"Mr. Barter?" she asked just to make sure.

"Yes, dear!" he answered.

"Do you remember me?" asked Josie.

With a confused look on his face, he tried recollecting to memory who she was, but upon observation, she noticed he couldn't recall.

"I'm Mrs. Thoradale's daughter!" she then said.

"Oh my God! You've really grown up dear!" he said shocked but joyous.

Upon conversating with him for a while, she learned that he had his prostate removed because of complications and he was also in surgery last year for a hip replacement after falling down a flight of stairs at his home.

She stayed with him catching up on all that she'd missed before the nurse came to change him. Josie then returned to Sophia where she found her and Devon a bit more seasoned with each other.

"So I hit him with my vehicle for both of you to get cozy huh?" Josie joked.

"Well, you know what they say! You break you buy! And I was up for sale by the way!"

"So you're a hoe then!" Josie joked again.

"Noooo Josie!.... Noooooo!" giggled Sophia.

The group tried to make the best of the moment as they waited anxiously—but dreadfully for the results of Devon's x-ray. Josie appeared to be calm and collected, but deep down inside she was actually nervous and a wreck.

She prayed that Devon had no broken bones or even if, he doesn't sue her in any way. Getting closer to Sophia meant that there was a possibility that he wouldn't even think about it, but then again she couldn't use her friend like that.

A while later, Devon's name was called by the nurse in the front desk and the moment of truth was upon them. Devon was instructed to follow the nurse into the doctor's office, but only one person could accompany him—which naturally would be Sophia.

Josie—quite frankly didn't want to be around when the bad news was revealed, but couldn't help but wonder what things would be like once she had gotten the news. Josie's heart pounded heavily and she could feel the walls closing in, but after about fifteen minutes of solitude, Devon and Sophia exited from behind the office door.

"It's nothing but a fracture Jay!" said Sophia.

The relief in Josie's face told a million words.

"Damn girl, you look like I was gonna sue you or something! Relax,  okay!" Stated Devon.

"After all, how could my man sue my best friend, huh?" Stated Sophia.

Josie's eyes opened wide and her jaw dropped. She was now speeches, but it shouldn't be a surprise to her since she saw all the signs. Maybe Josie was surprised at the fact that Sophia wasted no time in her assault or maybe the fact that Devon fell in love so quickly.

"What did Sophia do?" she thought to herself.

"What's wrong Josie?" asked Sophia.

She flashed a smile to throw them both off and replied, "Oh... nothing... sorry... Just remembered something!"

Sophia and Devon looked at each other then back to Josie before they simultaneously replied. Devon was now discharged and had to go to the dispensary for his prescripted medicine.

It may have taken them almost a day at the hospital, but it was worth it for both of them in one way or another. Sophia had acquired a new boy toy and Josie wasn't sued for hitting a complete stranger. Once they were out of the hospital, Josie drove Devon to his house. Sophia decided to stay with him for a while, so Josie returned home.

"Poor Devon, Sophia is going to kill him with sex!" Josie thought.

As she drove off, they both went inside for a moment to get reacquainted with each other. Whether anything would happen would totally be up to them and the mood. Sophia entered the house and Devon made himself comfortable. He pointed out where the juice and alcohol were, so in the event, Sophia wanted to quench her thirst or get a bit high, she'd know where to go in order to fulfill her needs.

Sophia brought two glasses of wine before initiating conversation with Devon once again. After introducing the alcohol into their system, Sophia took the glasses and returned them into the sink. She helped him upstairs for a bath and once he was in the shower, she also took off her top.

"Is this what you pictured in your mind?" She asked while holding her breasts.

"It's actually better than I had thought!" Replied Devon.

"Well come a bit closer and do to me all the great things we spoke about!" Sophia instructed.

Devon— although injured, didn't allow it to be an issue since he now housed a stallion of a woman in his house with needs to be satisfied.

Transcript For Courting- Book 2: DiscontentedWhere stories live. Discover now