If You Weren't Human ch. 8

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       Roku was acting strangely. At night he twitched randomly and bit into rocks or grass. In the morning, he followed Misaki around like a lost puppy. Misaki began to panic. She avoided being alone at all costs.  He also kept staring at Misaki and dozing off. Then one morning he woke up and walked around the cave aimlessly sniffing. He walked up to half awake Misaki and breathed in her scent. Then after taking a glanced in the direction of the exit, he wrapped his arms around Misaki and cuddled with her. Misaki blushed. "U-uhmmm.....Roku what're you doing?" He sat behind her and caged her in his legs, opening his wings far out wide menacingly. There was commotion at the exit off the cave. Just as the commotion makers came into view, Roku licked Misaki's neck. She jumped. "Roku!!" Then     Misaki understood why Roku had licked her neck, caged her in, and took his wings out. The commotion makers were two vampires. They gawked at Misaki in disbelief and their mouths drooled. They were a bit older looking than Misaki. But younger than Roku by at least two years. One had short black hair with bright yellow eyes and the other had longer brown hair, but the same yellow eyes. They were rather thin, but tall. They inched closer and Roku lowly growled. They seemed to barely notice Roku and stepped back, gulping. Roku had licked all of Misaki's neck. Misaki thought she understood. Is...is this a vampire's way of marking his territory? She let out a small giggle. Roku's like a dog that just saw two new dogs arrive at the house, marking and leaving his scent on everything desperately. Roku ignored Misaki's laughs and glared at the vampires. "Listen up, you are allowed to stay here, but don't touch or even come near Misaki." They seemed to hesitate. But then gave up to the terrifying Roku and weakly walked away. Roku relaxed but kept Misaki in his arms. His wings merged into his back once again and he rested his chin on her head. "Roku you can let go now." He paused. "I don't want to." Misaki began to struggle in his arms. "Let go Roku! You've already drenched my neck in your saliva what more do you want!?" Roku's hair poked at her cheek. She froze. "I can think of something, but I know for sure you don't want it." "Let go!!" Roku released her and she stumbled onto her feet. No. I won't let you bite me. She walked to the exit, leaving Roku alone and spotted Gorru and Olive picking at the weeds together. Misaki smiled and walked to the pile of baskets. She grabbed the edge of one and pulled it out from the pile. A foot stomped on it and pinned it to the ground. Misaki looked up and found Roku glaring down at her. "W-what?" He crouched down so he was at eye level with her. "You're not going anywhere without me." "H-huh?! Why!?" "Don't tell me that head of yours has already forgotten what happened a few days ago." Misaki frowned and kept quiet. "I...I can protect myself." "Sure. And Gorru and Olive hate each other." Misaki glared at him. "Leave me alone! I deserve some privacy! My life does not revolve around you!" "Your life revolves around me just as much as my life revolves around you!" Misaki screamed angrily at him and stomped away. I cant believe him! Who does he think he is ordering me around!? He does not control me! She sat down angrily and sighed. He does have a point though... I thought I would be able to protect myself, but the other day... She remembered the boy paralyzing Misaki's body and the vampire jumping on top of her. She shivered remembering Roku's fangs cut into the vampire. I...I would've been dead if it weren't for Roku saving me. She layed down on the moss and shut her eyes. She fell asleep. The brown haired vampire from before spotted Misaki. Her soft neck gleamed softly in the warm sun. He inched closer. Just as his fangs warmed, there was a growl from behind him. He turned and found Roku standing tall behind him. Roku's eyes glared fiercely. The vampire stepped away, defeated. Roku turned to Misaki. He watched her. Defenseless, small, cute, and very tempting to bite into. His fangs burned for Misaki's blood. But he just picked her up and fit her snuggly into his arms. She groaned and inched closer to Roku's chest. He blushed and looked away, he grinned slyly.

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