My Children ch.19

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Misaki woke up to Roku hugging her. She was on the exact same bed, Olive was still next to her, rubbing her red eyes. Nothing had changed. She had just blinked. What was that? I...I was running to the female screech... But why? "Misaki.." She caught sight of Roku's face. "It's going to be okay. At least you have one." Anger rose in Misaki's heart. You. At least YOU have one. Not we. You. "Roku carry me out of here." "Huh? Why?" "Because I said so. Now." She climbed into Roku's arms and he hesitated. "I'm not asking you to leave me there Roku. You're going with me. I just need some fresh air." Roku began to walk. He flew out of the cave and began to land. "Farther." He was obviously confused, but he obeyed and flew farther before landing. He stood in a pile of dry leaves before Misaki pushed herself out of his arms. "Misaki? Why'd you-" He reached down to Misaki. She slapped his hands away. "Misaki... It's okay. You have one. It may not be a lot, but all the more reason to--" "Shut up." Misaki turned away. "Huh? Why? Misaki, you--" "You, you, you!! That's all you say!" She glared at Roku from the ground. "Well how about you shut up. You don't understand. You can have as many children as you would like!" "Misaki..." Hurt flashed in his eyes and he crouched down to Misaki's level. She turned away from his hurt eyes. "...I know you don't mean that." "Get away from me." He inched closer. "Misaki, I know this hurts you but its alright." You. This hurts only me huh? The only thing hurting you is me. "Misaki, you--" Misaki shut her eyes as a tear ran down her red cheeks. "Again with the you's!! This only hurts me!! Only me!!" Roku looked confused. "What are you talking about Misaki?" Her face burned as her even hotter tears ran down her red cheeks. "I...I thought this would hurt you as well...I guess not." Then before Roku could say anything else, Misaki heard someone approach from behind. Her eyes widened and instead of fear, anger rose in her heart. Standing a few feet away was the wife of the man who had stabbed Misaki and killed her future children. Misaki shot up to her non feeling feet and glared harshly at the woman. She glared back and held her stomach. "Why are you here!!? You've already taken most of my future children, what more do you want!!??" "In case you haven't noticed I can't have more than one either!!!" "Then why punish me for it!!??" The woman paused, then looked around the area behind her. "Answer me!!" Roku stepped closer behind Misaki. "Misaki..." The woman glared back at Misaki. "You should be grateful we left you one!!" "You killed my children!!" "Shut up before I murder the only one you have!!!" "You killed my children!!!" The woman glared at Misaki and took out a dagger. Everything happened to quickly for Misaki's eyes. Blood splattered over her shirt and her eyes widened. Roku groaned and fell to the ground, revealing that the woman had disappeared. Misaki's heart pounded cold as her eyes traveled down to the blood that drenched Roku's shirt. The dagger had stabbed his shoulder deeply. Misaki's feet buckled and she fell next to Roku. "Misaki." Misaki turned to Roku, her hands shaked violently as she held his cheeks. "Roku. Roku. Roku!" He coughed and shut his eyes. Vampires heal quickly. She grabbed hold of the dagger and pulled it out quickly, throwing it off to the side. My blood. That one day when he bit another girl other than me first, she scratched his cheek and after he bit me, the scratch was gone. My blood heals him faster. She immediately pushed her hair to the side and came in closer to Roku, her hand splashing in the pool of Roku's blood beside him. She held his head up and opened his mouth, revealing his sharp fangs. Ignoring the rush of fear she felt, she pushed her neck onto his fangs and he twitched. If he smelled my blood... She hurriedly pushed further and his fangs pierced her neck. His eyes shot open and the fangs dug further into her neck. She screamed in pain as he held her close and their blood mixed on the ground. Her world spun rapidly and she felt around the ground. "R-roku... I-i'm sorry." She slammed a heavy stone against the side of his head and he was knocked out.

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