Not the Only Human ch.10

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        The girl was laid down on a grass bed, she was still unconscious. Misaki looked down at her face and smiled. Another human... The girl was breathing heavily and twitched. Olive approached. She crouched down next to Misaki and felt at the girl's forehead. "She's not sick. So I guess she having a nightmare." "Should we wake her up?" "Probably, let me go get some water and somebody to hold her down." "Somebody to hold her down?" "Well if you woke up somewhere strange after your place was attacked, you would want to get away right?" She's right... "Okay, I'll stay here." "Okay. Be right back." Misaki turned back to the girl. She was still breathing heavily and she had begun to sweat. Misaki took a spare shirt and wet it. Squeezing out the water, she laid it on the girl's forehead. The girl's eyes shot open.

They were a honey brown, but they were anything but sweet at the moment. The middle schooler shot up to her feet and shoved Misaki to the floor. Misaki grabbed the girl's ankles. No way am I letting her leave. The girl was only about a year younger than Misaki, so Misaki struggled to keep her from kicking Misaki's face. "Olive! S-somebody! The girl!!" The girl turned and seemed to realize that Misaki was just a girl. She frowned and grabbed Misaki's arm. Misaki was dragged onto her feet and began to stumble after the girl. This girl was curvier and had more fat on her than Misaki ever did, so Misaki was dragged behind her without being able to stop. The girl dashed out of the cave and started to head for the trees. As much as Misaki struggled, she couldn't get the girl to stop or even let go. "Stop! Please! Don't run!" Misaki turned her head and found Roku off in the distance near the entrance if the cave. "Roku!!" He turned and once he realized what was going on, ran to them. The girl spotted him and ran faster,  dragging Misaki behind. They ran through the thick forest trees. Misaki glanced back at Roku. This girl knows that he can't fly through this. Then the area around her began to become more familiar. Misaki's eyes widened when she realized why. This was the way she had run when she was being chased by the vampire. The cliff. We're going to run into it! Misaki looked at the girl. Her face was horrified and her cheeks were damp with tears. No way is she going to give up when we get there. Misaki turned back to Roku. "Roku! T-the cliff!!" Roku ran faster. Misaki turned back to the girl, trying to pull the girl back. "Wait, please!! We're not in danger!!" The girl didn't listen to Misaki. Then they burst through the trees and they both came to a skidding stop. The girl frantically looked back to Roku and clenched Misaki's arm harshly.

Roku burst through the trees. "Stop Roku!" Misaki held her hand up to Roku and he froze in his steps. "Misaki..." "Let me handle it." The girl looked both horrified and confused at the conversation between Misaki and Roku. Misaki turned to her. "Do you understand me?" For all I know she can be from somewhere totally different from here. She paused and looked at Misaki, tears still in her eyes. She glanced back at Roku. "He won't hurt you." She kept her eyes on him. Her voice shaked as she talked to Misaki. "W-where am I?" "We rescued you from a place that was on fire. Me.. And him. Mostly him." She pointed at Roku. The girl frowned. " No he didn't." "Yes. Yes he did." It's technically not a lie, he did save us. "Look, I don't know what you've been through or where you came from. But I need you to trust me." The girl paused again, but then nodded. "I...I trust you." "Okay. Now... We need to go back." "But the demons--" "won't touch you. You'll be safe." The girl looked at Misaki. She looked down at the ground, her small lips went tight. "Okay? Can we go back now? All of us?" The girl glanced up at Misaki, then wiping away a tear, nodded. The girls stood up, and froze at the cracking sound. All of their eyes widened. Roku slowly stepped closer. "Misaki... Don't move. I'll be right there." Roku's wings came out of his back and the girl flinched. "Wait! Don't move!" The girl ran to the edge and a big crack separated Misaki and the girl from Roku. Roku took off and reached for Misaki, but the ground separated and the girls fell into the cliff. "Misaki!!" They tumbled into the cliff, a thick branch snagged the girl's shirt and the girl was hanging off another, more steep,  edge. "Kyaa!!!" Misaki tumbled over the edge but turned around and grabbed the edge, her legs hanging over the edge. Roku started to fly to Misaki, but Misaki shook her head. She looked at the girl. The branch was snapping. She's going to fall. Go to her Roku. She tried to send him the message telepathically. He seemed to understand but looked at Misaki, making sure she was fine. She was definitely not fine. Her grip slipped from the smooth ground and her feet struggled to find land. Her heart was panicking and she knew why her head stung. But she smiled. He was tricked and flew quickly to the girl. He grabbed the girl's shirt and pulled her into his arms, she looked around and screamed for Misaki. Roku turned and his heart skipped a beat. Half of her face was dripping with blood. Roku threw the girl on his back and grabbed at Misaki. Misaki also pulled herself into his arms and laid against him. Her world was spinning. "Misaki, what happened?" "Something.... Scratched my forehead." Roku hugged her, and carried her back to the cave while the girl stayed silent on Roku's back.

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