Chapter 3

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Fire and Desire. A place where the young and stupid go to be young and stupid. The bright neon sign showcased a busty woman next to the name of the club. You could almost see the building shake from the loud pumping music.

"Well this should be easy." The male with the tail said. The sarcasm was practically dripping from his mouth.  He was standing a block away from the club. Scanning the front he saw a huge line full of young people trying to get their freak on. Straightening out his coat the youth walked right to the front of the line. The crowd jeered at his boldness.

A large bald man wearing a suit and ear piece looked at him. The man's eyes scrutinized this newcomer. He looked shaggy, and unruly not the type for a place like this.

"Hey there chief I'm headed in." The young man said.

"Whoa hold on pal. Now I don't know who you are, but you can't just walk right in. Did you not see the line?" The large man pointed at said line. The younger guy looked back briefly.

"You know I thought it was weird all these people were just standing in a line. Here I thought they all just had ocd." He said with a chuckle. "Anyway glad we cleared that up I'm headed in." The tailed youth said again.

"You're not getting in, unless you wait in line, or your name is on the list." The door man said.

"Oh right, right I am on the list." He briefly looked at the clipboard and pointed out a name. "That's me right there." The door man looked at the clipboard and back at the person in front of him. With a deep exasperated sigh the bald man said.

"This is you?" He asked. The young man responded with an eager nod. "Your name is Stacey Daniels?" The doorman asked.

"Yeah it's a family name you got a problem?" The man with the clipboard pinched the bridge of his nose in exasperation.

"Do you have any form of I.D. Stacey?" He asked. Patting down the long coat the male with the tail feigned dissapointment.

"Aw man I left my wallet in my other jacket. You know I'd lose my head if it wasn't attached to my shoulder." He let out an obviously fake laugh.

"Get outta here kid. You're full shit and we all know it." The large man said.

"That I am, but that has nothing to do with this." The cheeky youth said.

"Alright get outta here before I call the authorities." The doorman told the kid, tired of his shennannigans.

"Fine fine, I'll go, but let me shake your hand for not budging." The tailed male said holding out his hand.

"Are you serious?" The door man asked.

"Deadly serious. You know for a minute I thought I had you, but you saw right through me. You're very dedicated to your job." The young man had a small smile on his face.

Hoping to get this kid out of here the doorman stuck his hand out. There hands met in a shake. Except, the younger man didn't let go. The large doorman tried to pull his hand back to no avail. The tailed youth was slowly increasing his grip on the other man's hand. Pain started to sprout through the larger man's hand.

"So here's what going to happen." The youth started. His grip becoming even tighter. "I'm going to keep squeezing until I break your fingers. If by some chance you're still standing, and haven't let me in; I'll break your hand. If even then you persevere, I'll rip your god damn hand off so what do you say big guy? Ball's in your court." He explained. The Doorman's hand was in excruciating pain. It hurt so bad that the larger man was willing to believe this kid's threat.

"Alright. Alright go ahead." The man gasped out. Once his hand was released he sucked in a large gasp of air.

"See no problem. Nice meeting you pal. Make sure you put ice on that." The youth said.

After that obstacle was traversed he waltzed right into the club like he owned the place. It was dark inside with pumping music vibrating the floors and walls of the place. Flashing lights were going off in the place. The lights were bouncing on the thrashing bodies "dancing".

"Hey handsome, want to dance?" He heard a voice behind him. Looking her up in down she was wearing a short, tight, blue, dress. She had what was obviously a pink wig. She also had way to much makeup on for his tastes.

"Nah, I already have prior engagement with another lady." He said flashing a grin.

"Awe c'mon baby I just got dumped, and I'm trying to have some fun." She said invading his personal. Her hands were on his chest feeling the muscles underneath his coat.

"Sorry madam I have to decline. I'm sure they're plenty of good looking men in here." He said lightly removing her hands from his chest.

He didn't give her a chance to ask again. Turning his back he continued into the club. His face changed to a serious expression.

"Go time." He muttered to himself.

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