Chapter 29: Forbearing III

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Meanwhile in Hong Kong, the boys were all gathered in one room, sitting on the couch with a hard face. None of them uttered any words ever since they arrived in their hotel room. They were no longer in their fancy award outfits but only plain white shirt underneath it.

Their eyes were puffy after a long and hard crying at the backstage as soon as they were away from prying eyes. In between these four concrete walls, everyone was silenced only heavy breathing could be heard. Their managers had left earlier to give space for the boys to recuperate the situation.

"Wow, this is one hell of a night" calm Hoseok broke the silence garnering everyone's attention back to the floor.

Jimin lips twisted upwards as he spoke "Yoongi hyung, I have never seen you cried that hard. Was it real?" he pondered.

His sudden questions turned Yoongi into ripe tomatoes, he stammered between his words "Yah, forget about that.. I was caught off guard.. and I just cried" Yoongi ran his hand at the back of his neck, massaging it softly.

"It is alright to cry sometimes" Namjoon gave his hyung a light pat with a wide smile.

The room fell into dead silence again for umpteenth time. There were so many things ran into their mind right now and it was hard to bring it out one by one. Frustrated, everyone heaved a sync groan under their breath which turned into a light chuckle afterwards.

"I guess this is it" the leader whispered lowly enough for everyone to hear.

"We did it.." he scanned each of the members face with a stupidly proud grin that never left his face ever since the award show ended.

Jin leaned on his seat, crossing his legs "We did it..again" he smiled genuinely easing the tense atmosphere in the room moments ago. Within a second, the room became lively with loud chattered from every corner reminiscing their good old times together. The boys talked a lot of things from how they started this whole journey until where they achieved so far.

The night was spent with their mini celebration in the small room, exchanging stories and even ideas on how they should improve themselves in the next comeback. It has been a great pleasure for all of them to serve as one of Bangtan's members and they will never be tired become one.

This will be the start of their new year resolution, just like Namjoon stressed in his speech earlier, "Let's fly with our beautiful Wings as well in 2017". They are living to this word, there is no turning back now.

Bangtan Sonyeondan will spread their wings wide to spread love and hope all over the world.


3 AM. She was awoken up by the vibration of her phone. Groggily, Seul picked up the call without even looking at the screen. Her mind and body were too tired to even force out words coming from her mouth.

She pressed the phone on her ears as she continued to snuggle under her warm blanket. Who on earth called her at 3 in the morning?

" Hey.. Is this Ji Seul"

"Speaking" she mumbled under her breath with a hint of annoyance.

"Are you sleeping?" the person at the end of the line held back his chuckle trying not to show his amusement over Seul's cuteness.

Seul scoffed sleepily "What kind of question is that? Obviously, since it is 3 AM"

"Oh, sorry for bothering you." he mumbled with a pout. Seul was too drowsy to decipher the owner of the voice so she wanted to inquire more and ended this phone call, but she heard his soft voice hummed incoherently.

She squeezed her eyes trying to stay awake at least, "This is Jin..." upon listening to that one name, Seul's eyes widened. Was she dreaming? Was this a prank pulled by stupid people?

"How did you get my number?" she bewildered.

"I have my ways and it involves urm.. your mother"

"Crazy..." Seul rubbed her eyes with a soft yawn. "Okay what do you want Jin-ssi" she grumbled.

Jin sighed softly "Nothing, just wanted to hear your voice" he confessed sweetly causing her to shudder under his manly yet soft voice. It took Seul a moment to gather her sense back afraid that she might blurt out some nonsense.

"So...congratulations" she softly hummed.

"You watched it?" Jin's pitch hiked up to one octave but he immediately lowered his voice since others were already asleep. Another soft hum coming from Seul was enough to answer to his excitement.

"I thought you are not a fan" he smug.

Seul rolled her eyes "But I am a good citizen supporting our local's music" he chuckled softly at her randomness. "So, are you alright?" she said worriedly. It touched his heart to receive even a simple attention from someone like Seul. To this extent, he didn't realize how much he craved for a normal life by simply having a companion with him that can share every nook and cranny of his worries with the person.

"Are you asking onstage Jin, or the Kim Seokjin?"

" cried pretty hard last night and it is ugly" she sassed.

"Hey, everyone said my tears could literally create world peace! It is not ugly Ji Seul-ssi" he sulks. Seul giggled at his absurdity, speaking of high level of confidence, Jin had his own level. Seul was not surprised at all.

Jin loved her small laughter to the core, it washed away the worries engulfed in him. That was the reason why he begged for the caretaker ahjumma's phone number from their managers. Thankfully, they didn't question him further, so they gave it away without an exchange of anything. Once he obtained the way to contact the caretaker lady, he immediately secured Seul's contact without much hassle.

Guess, it was his lucky day.

"I love your laughter"

Seul fell into silence and she shifted shyly under her cover as if Jin was there in front of her. Giving her no chance to respond, Jin whispered "And.. to answer your question. On stage Jin and the Kim Seokjin are doing fine. I think your words of advice still linger in my head" he murmured.

"I am glad you are not crying at the corner again"

"Were you worried that I might urm.. be having that moment again?"

"Kind of"

Jin softened "Thank you Seul-ah" he dropped the formality between them which taken her off guard.

"What happen to Ji Seul-ssi?" she bit her lower lips nervously.

"I think it only makes sense if you call me oppa. How old are you?" he reasoned.

"I am 22.. We are not that close to address each other so informally. I don't think I can call you oppa" she blushed furiously. Seul too did not think she could survive a day with this thought of calling Jin an oppa out of sudden. Wouldn't that be too intimate?

"Ah...Jims and Tae age. Why can't you? Let's be closed from now on, so you can address me oppa"

"You are as annoying as Yoongi. Persistence as hell" she let out an exhaust sigh. Jin took the cue to end the call, he could sense Seul's voice started to fade away "Let's talk about this again when we meet again later" he suggested.

"Who says I am meeting you again. That time will be the first and the last one" she yawned without shame. Screw it, not that she had to impress Jin with anything. She didn't care of her own image.

Jin let out a soft chuckle "We will see about that. Go sleep, and I will see you soon. Good night Seul" he hung up before the girl could say anything because he knew it won't be beautiful. Seul's mouth is just as nasty as Yoongi and hell it stung one's hear like bee sting. That did not rhyme at all.

Throwing his exhausted body on the bed, he smiled to himself "I will see you again for sure, Seul" he shut his eyes preparing himself to sleep. 

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