Second date with Mark

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💕 Y/n pov

- Mom dad these days really don't care about me. Its been ages since we had a family dinner.
- They are always busy in work. I know that they own a big company but they should think about me too.
- I was doing some last touch ups when I received a text from Mark saying that he is outside.
- I ran down stairs, as usual Mom dad weren't at home. I went outside and saw Mark.
- He was dressed formally and looked so handsome. He waved his hand at me.
- I ran out and hugged him tightly inhaling his colagne. After separating he kissed me on forehead.
- " You look absolutely stunning."
- "Thank you. You also look handsome." I said blushing.
- "Lets get in car." he said putting a strand of hair behind my ear.
- Being a gentleman he opened the door for me and after he got in, he drove us to a really fancy restaurant.

- On the way as always we had fun and we also talked about things like dreams and future.
- After reaching there he took my hand and we entered the restaurant. We went to the top floor through elevator. He had already booked a private booth for us.
- His every action was making me fall harder for him. The whole place was lighted with candles.
- It seemed like a perfect date. The thought that he put so much efforts in it really impressed me.
- Soon we ordered our food. Everything around looked like a dream.Every girl wants a partner who cares, loves and respects her. I was finding that in Mark. He was everything I dreamed of.

- After finishing the food he took me to the big balcony on the floor. The cold wind was slightly hitting my skin.
- The whole city of Seoul looked so beautiful from the top. I felt presence beside me. I know it was Mark.
- The dark night and the rush on the roads of Seoul was really fascinating. The whole city was light up bringing a smile on my face.
- "Y/n I wanted to ask you something."
- "What?" I said facing him. He grabbed my both hands.
- "The thing is that he have known each other from some weeks.... A..nd I really like you. I like your personality. You are very attractive and the most beautiful girl I have ever lead my eyes on. So, will you like to be my girlfriend?" he said in one breath making me chuckle at his cuteness.
- "Yes... Yes... Yes..." I replied happily and hugged him.
- He swirled me around. It was a strange feeling. Just like the princess meet her prince I felt like I meet my prince.Mark was everything I ever wanted.
- He put me down. Our faces were extremely close. Nose brushing each other.
- He stared deep in my eyes and then at my lips. I immediately understand that he wanted to kiss me.
- This time there was no escape though I was nervous. Before I can process my thoughts I felt his soft lips on mine. He kissed me passionately.
- But it reminded me of only Jimin. It reminded me how he was able to make me feel butterflies. This was wrong I can't think about him.
- I was constantly feeling like something was missing. It felt incomplete. I had an immediate urge of pulling back.
- I slowly pulled back and hugged him resting my head on his chest.
- "Lets take a pic and upload it on Instagram." he said excitedly.
- I just nooded my head. I was battling with myself right now. We clicked a pic while kissing and uploaded it. Again this time I didn't felt anything.

💕Jimin pov
- I was studying in my room when I heard the opening of the front door. I went out of my room and saw my mom struggling with the grocery bags.
- I grabbed some of the bags from her hand placing them on kitchen counter.
"Did you bring them all yourself?"
- "Yeah."
- "You should've called me. I would've come to help you." I said.
- " Don't worry. One kind man helped me while getting them in bus. I just carried them from bus stop to home." She was talking like she is 18 year old girl.
- "Don't talk like the bus stop is right next to our house."
- "I didn't wanted to disturb you. I saw you studying peacefully.... By the way what do you want to eat?"
- I was already feeling so sad about Y/n thing. I wanted to cry. I was hurt.
- "Hey boy where are you lost?" Mom snapped me iut of my deep thoughts.
- "Oh nothing." I went to her as she was standing in kitchen ready to cook something.
- I hugged her from back resting my head on her shoulder.
"What happened Jimin? You seem a lot disturbed from yesterday." She asked silently with a worry in her voice.
- "Nothing Mom." I replied still in position. She radiated the warmth that calmed my soul.

- She was my hope to everything. She always tried her best to understand me.
- Without even knowing she would always know that something is wrong with me. But she never forced me to tell her everything.
- That's what make her special in my heart. She gives me the space I want. And if I have a problem she always gives the best advice.
- "Okay then. Tell me whenever you feel like. Dinner will be ready in 1 hour I'll call you then."
- "Okay, mom." I kissed her cheek and went into my room to study.
- As I was bored I decided to scroll through Instagram. I opened the app and the first pic I saw brought tears in my eyes.
- It was a pic of Mark and Y/n kissing with a caption "A new start!❤ @mark5040💋"
- What do you feel when you see the love of your life kissing someone. I bursted into tears.
- I don't want my mother to hear me sobbing so I went into bathroom and cried my heart out there. I wanted her for myself. I wanted to give her all the happiness that she deserved.
- Everyday I went to university and studied hard just to be able to make her mine one day. But now everything was blur. She was my motivation, my best friend, my life. I lost her.
- The pain was unbearable. But I had to fight with it for Y/n because she genuinely looked happy with him.

💕Y/n pov

- After Mark dropped me at home I had a need to see Jimin. I wanted to meet him.
- I grabbed my car keys and went to his house. I missed him like hell. It was only one day but it was hell to me.
- Many good things happened today. My crush confessed that he likes me. I got in my first ever relationship.
- But my best friend wasn't there with me. I wanted to hug him tightly. Listen to his strong heartbeat that calms me.
- As I reached his house the first thing that I saw was his room lights. They were on meaning he is home. It made me happy.
- I ran to his house and rang the doorbell. His mother opened the door.
- "Hello Mrs. Park is Jimin here."
- "No sweety. He is out with Taehyung."
- "Ohh, its ok. I will come later. Take care." My eyes got teary so, I bowed her and left.
- I saw his shoes near the door. He never leaves his house without them.
- I knew he was home. But he told his mother to lie to me. It hurted me. What did I do to deserve this.
- Unknowingly tears rolled down my face. I was quick to wipe them and headed home.

💕Jimin pov

- I got out of the bathroom after washing my face and making sure I didn't look like a shit.
- I hear a sound of a car parking. It was Y/n she was here. I quickly ran out of my room.
"Mom, please do me a favor." I said resting my hands on kitchen counter with a whole panic on my face.
- " What happened?"
- "Y/n is here."
- "Oh, that's good. I'll invite her for dinner." Mom said happily.
- "No, mom. Please tell her I am not at home."
- "But why..?" she was interrupted by the ringing of door bell.
- "Please Mom go." I slightly push her.
- I was in the kitchen hidden listening their conversation. Her voice sounded hurt. I know I was doing wrong to her but it was needed. My thoughts were interrupted by mom.
- "Jimin... What was this?" she was angry.
- "Is she gone?"
- "Yes, now care to explain?"
- "Sorry mom. But I can't tell you." I said sighing.
- "Okay, whatever it is but you really need to sort out. You know she was about to cry. I am not gonna force you but stop playing stupid games."
- "Yes mom. I am sorry. I will definitely talk to her but I need some time."
- "You better not hurt her."
- "Yess... Mom..."
- My mom always had a soft spot for Y/n in her heart. She always would treat her like her own daughter. So, it was obvious of her to be angry on me. But they both don't know the reality so I can't even blame them.
- After dinner, I headed to my room. I put my phone on nightstand. It vibrated with a lot messages. I got up to check but was shocked to see messages by most popular girl Jiya.

Jiya - Hey, is it Jimin?
Its Jiya here.
Jimin - Ohh, Hii...
Jiya - I just found you interesting so I texted
Jimin - How did you get my number?🙄
Jiya - I have my own ways...😏
Jimin - What do you want from me?🙁
Jiya - Nothing... Its just that I found you
interesting... Soo I thought we should
get to know each other...
Jimin - Ohh, okay... I would like to know
you too... 🙂
Jiya - Glad to know that!☺
I'll meet you tomorrow then...
Can't wait to see you Oppa!!😍❤
Good night...😘😘
Jimin - Yah, Good Night...✨

- I didn't knew her, just her name. But she wanted to know me and I also needed to move on from Y/n so I thought of giving it a chance to her. That wasn't gonna harm me.

💕Mark pov

- Wow! I never thought it will be so easy to make her my girlfriend. Y/n 'The stupid innocent girl'.
- Its really fun. She is a lot boring but cant disagree a great kisser. Now I just need to give her more love and care to gain her trust.
- I want her to loose her v card to me and then, break her heart. This plan sounds like fun. Lets sleep now, I should be energized to tolerate that girl everyday.

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