She approved!

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💕 Y/n pov

- I woke up in the morning. The first thing I saw was Jimin's angelic face. It brought a bright smile on my morning face. I caressed his cheeks softly realising that they were more puffy. I trailed my fingures down tracing his jawline and finally his lips. As I brushed them with my thumb a smile crept on those lips.
- "Good morning baby..." He said in his morning voice.
- "Good morning..." I said pecking his lips.
- "Go shower, I'll make some breakfast for you then we can go at arcade in afternoon." He said his plan which exited me. I quickly went towards bathroom.
- Doing my daily routine I exited the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my body. I was walking around the room searching for cloths when the door suddenly burst open reveling Jimin.
- I screamed and he slammed the door shut. I calmed myself down and asked him
" What did you wanted baby?"
- " I was searching for sugar in kitchen but its nowhere." He said from behind the door.
- " Ohh... Wait i'll come out in two minutes." I said being nervous.
- "Ohkk..." he said and left.

- I quickly changed into his hoodie and shorts. I left the room and saw him scrolling through his phone near the kitchen counter. I walked over to him.
- He got aware of my presence and snapped his head up. But the air was awkward from the earlier incident. I searched for sugar silently. After finding it I placed it on kitchen counter.
- " I am sorry... I should've knocked." He said fiddling with his fingers which made me giggle at his cuteness.
- " Baby... Its ohkk... Its just that you came suddenly and I was surprised..." I said holding him by his shoulder making him look in my eyes.
- " Ohkk... Anyways its not like we will never see each other naked." He whispered in my ear making me froze at my spot. He noticed my expression and started to laugh.
- " Chill... I was just messing with you." He said caressing my arms.
" I won't force you to anything Y/nah... Take your time. We are forever together." He said pecking my lips. His words sent a sigh of relief in my body.
- "Yaah..." I said still being nervous.

💕Jimin's house

💕Jimin pov

- I came to home and slightly closed the door. I went to my room but was stopped in my tracks by my mom who was standing behind thr kitchen counter.
" Did you finally got a girlfriend Jimin?"
- Her question out of nowhere made me shock. I quickly nodded my head in a no. This was so awkward. I never had such talks with my mum which made me uncomfortable.
- " Before you called me I had called Tae as I hadn't talk to him in days. He didn't even mention you. So, I figured out." She said raising her eyebrow at me.
- I was actually battling with my inner self right now. I didn't have any problem to tell my mom about Y/n. I won't be able to lie to her everytime when I would stay with Y/n.
- " Actually... Yeah... I got one." I said fiddling with my fingers.
- " Who is the lucky girl by the way?"
She said teasing me.
- " Actually you know her preety well." I said rubbing the back of my neck.
- " Who?" She said trying to think.
- " Its Y/n mom..." I said as a wide smile plastered on my face.
- " What... Jimin are you serious?" She said with a horror expression. It confused me.
- " Yeah... Whats problem with it??" I said frowning my eyebrows.
- " Jimin everything... I appreciate your friendship but I don't approve this relationship. This is stupid. She is rich as heck. Our condition is total opposite of her. It won't last forever. Mark my words. You will get hurt. Her dad... if he comes to know about this he will kill you." She said yelling at me. It was the first time she raised her voice at me.
- " No mom... She don't care about money. We love each other and that's enough." I said defending my relationship.
- " Jimin... She will eventually get someone better than you who can fulfill her all needs. She will leave you." she said trying to convince me.
- " No mom she won't. I'll become one day that big and give her all that." I said.
- " Still Jimin, you don't know what future held for us. Break up with her. I have never in my life forced you to do anything but I don't want this relationship." She said clearly stating her point.
- " I'll not break up with her. I will not come home until you accept this relationship and our love." I said furiously and stormed out of house. My eyes were teary. It was the first time I had fight with my mum.
- My legs took me to Y/n's apartment. I softly knocked on the door. Within no time she opened the door revealing a sleepy Y/n. I immediately hugged her and started to cry.
- The whole situation with my mother plant a fear in me of loosing her. The things she said weren't even a bit wrong but I didn't wanted to accept them. My brain didn't wanted to listen them because everything seemed perfect in that moment.
- She softly rubbed my back as I let all my emotions. After some time when I was back to normal I shut the door and guided her to the couch. I sat her on my lap while she played with my hair.
- " What happened baby?" She said still playing with my hair which calmed me. I wanted to hold her as long as I can. I was soo lost in my thoughts that I didn't listen her question.
- She raised my head and cupped my face
" What happened baby? You can tell me anything you know." she said and I nodded my head.
- I told her everything that happened. Letting my heart out made me feel a lot better.
" Jimin you did wrong." She said.
- " What wrong did I do? I was just protecting our relationship." I said frowning my eyebrows.
- " Yeah you were, but you shouldn't have stromed out of house being stubborn. Listen, our relationship is not gonna be simple checking our background. We need to convince our parents calmly. And I'll never leave you baby. I love you soo much." she said as her eyes glishtened with tears.
- I kissed her passionately showing her that I love her too and I won't leave her. Being around her made everything look simple. She had an understanding nature which I loved.
- "Lets goo." She said standing up after some time.
- "Where?" I said as she was confusing me.
- "At your home. I will talk to your mom. I'll convince her." She said confidently.
- "Are you sure?" I asked.
- " Yeah, I am." She said stretching her hnad which I gladly accepted. She interlocked our hands showing off our rings. She smiled at me which brought a smile on my face and we left her apartment.

💕Y/n pov

- I showed him that I was confident but from inside I was afraid about his mother's reaction. She was sweet but whatever Jimin told me earlier made me nervous. I believed in him, in our love and gained some confidence.
- I knocked on the door of his house which revealed his mother. She saw our interlocked hands my immediate reaction was to seperate those hands but Jimin held my hand tightly. His mother let us in without uttering a single word.
- We sat on couch close to each other as our hands were still interlocked. His mom sat in front of us. There was an uncomfortable silence in the room which wasn't healthy. I nudged Jimin to speak up.
" I am sorry." he said which wasn't that audible to his mother.
- "What?" she asked.
- " I am sorry for storming out of the house." he said looking up.
- " Its okay but I still don't approve this relationship." She said. I understanded her. As a mother it was her duty to protect her child and it was my job to convince her for this relationship.
- Jimin was going to talk back but I held his hand. He backed away and I decided to speak
" Mrs. Park, I know that you are concerned about everything. But we wont break up. I really do love him because he makes me happy. I don't want any money I just want him to forever be with me. I came here to request you to accept our relationship." I said calmly.
- " But what if your father came to know about him and he does something bad to him?" she asked concerned. I knew how harsh my parents can be.
- " I won't let them harm him. I love him more than anything. I know how to control my parents." I said assuring her.
- " Okay, if you are confident I don't have any problem." She said with a smile on her face after thinking for sometime.
- Me and Jimin sighed in relief after so much time. He hugged me sideways. It made me and his mom giggle.
" Thank you, Mrs. Park." I said.
- " Yeah... Thank you mom..." Jimin said getting up and made his way towards his mother to hug her. She gestured me to join the hug which I did.
- " Y/n you can call me mom." She said separating the hug.
" Sure." I said bowing.
A picture of happy family was seen which I wished to be forever.

💕Next day

- Me and Jimin were walking together in the school corridor. We saw crowd gathered near the clipboard. We made our way there and saw the notice.

Dear students you are informed that university has announced annual trip to *name of place*. The duration is of one week dated from 5th December to 12th December. Students who are interested please enroll your name and pay the fees on the following website.

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