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💕3 weeks later

- Its been three weeks since that incident. I was the happiest in these days. Mark gave me all his love.
- On a date night one week back he said that he loves me and I definitely replied with 'I love you too'.
- He is really clingy but I love it. He will just show me off everywhere and tell his friends how lucky he is to have me.
- Those moments make my eyes fill with tears of joy for having him. I don't know how my mom dad will react if they know him but he is good at first impression. So I am sure thry will like him.
- Besides that I still fell bad about Jimin and I miss hanging out with both of them. They were most important part of my daily routine and now, as they are not here it feels like my whole routine is disturbed.
- Though I talk to Tae from time to time and exchange some words with Jimin but we are distanced. He is often hanging out with that girl Jiya.
- Tae and I really hate her because she is the loudest creature on mother Earth and a 'Drama Queen'.
- I sometimes feel like punching her face whenever she is around Jimin. He deserves a lot better than that bitch.
- But if he is fine with her I really don't have any problem. I am just eagerly waiting for a day to talk to him and empty all my thoughts to him.

- As usual I got ready to go to university. I parked my car and saw Mark standing near.
- I quickly went up to him and hugged. He embraced me making me feel his warmth. His cologne was intoxicating, making me weak.
- In our relationship he once ask me if I had any problem to loose my vcard to him. I wasn't ready at that time but now I feel like I can trust this man.
- We were walking down the hallway with our hands intertwined. Everyone knew about our relationship.
- Girls would always glare at me for being with him but he told me not to care.
- I saw Jimin and Tae in halfway when I was with Mark they both just smiled at me and nothing.

💕Jimin pov

- Its been 3 weeks and Tae told me the decision of Y/n I was obviously hurt. But her happiness was always important to me.
- I saw how the Mark treated her. They were really a cute couple. She looked a lot happy.
- But my heart ached everytime they kissed and walked together.I was trying my best to distract myself from her with Jiya.
- As I was hanging out with her I learned more about her. She is clingy, loud, drama queen but tolerable.
- Her efforts to make me happy when I was sad and to empress me were adorable. But I feel bad for using her because I dont think I have stopped loving Y/n even a bit.
- I saw Y/n and Mark walking in halfway together when I was going to class with Tae. We just smiled at each other.
- I miss her soo badly but my feelings are very strong for her. I want them to fade in the storm so that I can watch her with Mark without my heart aching.

💕Y/n pov - break

- I was in cafeteria with Mark having some coffee he was chatting with someone on phone. I was staring out of the window watching a bird on tree building its nest.
- It was such a beautiful sight to watch. With the small sticks he build a home for him in the same way small things done by men helps to build trust in women.
- But if the trust breaks the relationship fails causing the heartbreak. When elder people say that trust is the base for a relationship they aren't wrong.
- I was interrupted from my deep thoughts by Mark.
"Y/n I am going to washroom. I'll be back."
- "Okay." I replied and averted my gaze again out of the window. After some minutes I hear a familiar ringtone. Mark forgot his phone here so I took it.
- His friend Mingyuk was calling I quickly picked up and informed him that he will call him later. I was going to put the phone down when it vibrated.
- I saw a message from a girl name Jiya. The message was "But, seriously Y/n is fool." Out of curiosity I clicked on the message and read their chats.

Jiya - I guess your plan is really going well with Y/n. I can see she is started to trust you.
Mark - Yeah, I remember telling you how happy I was when I first sat with her in the class.
Jiya - Yeah, she was a easy play...😂😂
Mark - Really... Btw how are your things with Jimin???
Jiya - Really good... We hang out a lott... And I really like him..😍
Mark - That's good!!👍👍👍
Jiya - But seriously Y/n is fool...

💕 Mark pov

- I arrived in cafeteria and Y/n was not there. I went to the table where we were sitting.
- I saw mine and Jiya's chats open. 'Fuck!! She read them.' I grabbed my head in frustration. My plan failed.
- I ran to see her, I wanted to see her break down. Her family had given a lot of pain to me.
- I quickly found her near her locker. She was returning all the gifts I gave her. 'Wow! Such a good girl.' I thought.

💕Y/n pov

- Tears formed in my eyes. I ran from there sobbing hard. I didn't care if people watched me. I wasn't in a condition to care about them.
- I went to my locker to grab every gift given by Mark. I want to throw them on his face. I never felt so heartbroken. The trust was lost.
- I quickly put them in a bag. When I turned around I saw Mark smirking. I was in a rage. - There wasn't a bit of guilt on his face. I wanted to kill that smirk off his face. I grabbed his coller
"Why Mark? What wrong did I do to you?"
- He harshly removed my hand
" What you did? Your family killed my dad. You dont know how much depression he suffered because your dad fired him for something he didn't even do. He was jobless. I was breaking everytime I saw him. I wanted to break you so that your family can see how it feels to see someone close to you in depression and you are able to do nothing. He died you know. Because his body didn't handle the depression. Well, I am happy now that I break you. I surely wanted it to be worse but you came to know about it a early."
- I was speechless after his long speech. I saw some tears in his eyes when he was talking about his dad. I felt bad for his family and dad.
- Was it my fault that my parents aren't that good at treating their employees. They are so proud of their money and egoistic.
- "First of all I am sorry for whatever happened to your family. My dad is a bit bad person but whatever he did he was unknown about the effect. But you were aware about whatever you were causing me. You also did bad same as my dad making no difference between you. Never talk to me again." I rushed from there to class. All the students were crowded there to see the drama.
- But I didn't care. I took my bag and went to my car driving to my favorite place.

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