I promise you

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💕 4 years later

💕Y/n pov

- I entered my office in morning in a hurry. There was a project I needed to work on. I would've completed it yesterday but I lost the track as I ended up crying myself to sleep again.
- Four years ago after my father was admitted in hospital doctor told us that his heart has become weak. I decided to work for him and stayed by his side. I earned his trust. He handed me the company two years back.
- But 6 months back he died due to severe heart attack. I wanted to cry but I stayed strong for my mother and became her comfort place. I wanted someone to comfort me too in same way, but I already lost him 4 years ago.
- There wasn't a single second when I didn't miss him. His love was like DNA in my blood vessels. It flowed through every part of my body.
- Mom tried to set me up with many rich guys but none of them was of my time. I don't ever wanted to move on from him and he promised me that he will come back to me.
- Thinking of him always made my eyes wet. Unknowingly I went towards the drawer of my office desk. I pulled a letter out tracing it with my fingers. I would've read it over thousand times cause it is only single proof of our love.

Dear Y/n,
Sorry! Sorry that I left you in situation where you needed me the most. I can't fulfill your any wishes. Your dad is right. I am not the perfect guy for you. But I will become one.
Our society is really cruel. Our love may not fit in their category today but it will one day. Thanks, if you decide to choose your parents over me today. After all, they suffered from us and we cant continue a relationship being guilty all the time.
These all days I spent with you are best days of my life. You make me the happiest person on the earth. My princess I promise you that one day I will come to you riding on the horse like a prince. If you believe in me please wait for me.
There will be a day when you'll woke up in my arms again. There will be a day when we'll cook in kitchen together again. There will be a day when we will have our own house. Just wait for me to come back.
I love you so much. Please be happy and take care of yourself. I want to see you healthy when we will meet again in future.

- Forever your guy

- Tears flodded from my eyes again. This letter has only been the source of my energy through these years. I remember when Tae gave it to me. I cried so much when he told me that he left the country.
- I am still angry on that bastard because he knows where Jimin is and never tells me. I know he keeps updating Jimin about me because he regularly calls me to check on me and right now he and Jisoo are the only friends I have.
- They often invite me to hangout with them but I never go. Because it reminds me of Jimin. How we used to be always together enjoying. They make such a cute couple that it makes me jealous sometimes.
- I quickly wiped my tears and put the letter in my drawer. I started to work.
After some time I heard soft knocks on the cabin door.
" Come in." I said.
- " Y/n... There is a problem." Mr. Kang said barging in.
- " What?" I asked getting up from my seat.
- " Someone from company has leaked all our illegal work done by your father to media. The share holders are calling continuously. If any action is not taken company may suffer bankruptcy." He said panting.
- " What can we do now?" I said trying to keep my calm. I hated my father for this. He did earn money with many illegal ways.
- When I started to work here I came to know about it. I steadily removed all those illegal work. But the past records may have been the proof of his doings.
- I was panicking from inside. Their are many workers who work here and earn money. If the company suffers something they will suffer more.
- " Our company is right now top in Korea and all other companies are our rivals. So, we have to ask some other top company to help us. Means we need to merge our company." he said moving back and forth because he was in a whole panic mode.
- " Is there any company who can help us?" I asked him.
- " Let me think..." He said. Till then I sat on my desk and opened my laptop to search for other companies.
- " Nakamoto..." He said and came towards me.
- " What about Nakamoto?" I was confused as he took the name of Japanese company.
- " Nakamoto in past two years has immersed as the biggest company of Japan. Recently, Mr. Nakamoto passed the company to his son and they are interested to have a branch is Seoul. The one who is going to handle business here is very trusted person of him. If they are interested to merge the two companies they get the employees right away. This will be beneficial for both companies." He said with a smile.
- " But what if they aren't?" His suggestion was really good no doubt. But I thought that we should always have a second, third even a fourth option.
- " Umm... I will search for some other companies. I suggest you to take their appointment for tomorrow. I will book our tickets for Japan of the flight at evening."
- " Ohkk... I will first talk to all the staff about it. Then we can proceed." I said as my staff's opinion was also important to me. I need to assure them that their job would be safe.
- " Fine. I will ask Mr. Do to arrange the meeting right away." He said and exited the office.
- I sighed and plopped on my chair. This is so frustrating. Handling is company isn't an easy job at all. Merging the company was only the solution of this problem and tomorrow I needed to do my best for it.

💕 Jimin pov

- 4 years and I am here today. I was worried about my future a lot before coming to Japan. But everything became fine after I meet Yuta.
- It was my first day at university as I came as transferred student from Korea. It was my final year and then I was going to graduate. I meet Yuta and we both became really good friends.
- Mom started to work at a Korean restaurant as chef and we both rented a house for us. I told Yuta about my past and he comforted me a lot that time. The best thing he did was introducing me to his father Mr. Nakamoto.
- He father was a businessman. When I first meet him he was really impressed by me. Eventually, me and Yuta we both started working for him in our spare time.
- Yuta was really intelligent child. We both gave him various ideas and worked on various projects. In no time Nakamoto became the most successful company of Japan.
- He was really impressed by both of us. When he came to know about my past he called me as his second son which made me emotional. He was like a father figure for me.
- After graduation I became his personal assistant. Some months back he handed the company to Yuta. As he wanted to grow the business they decided to make company branch at Seoul and were going to give me to handle it.
- I was really honored by their decision. Finally, I was going to Seoul. I kept my promise and I was going to meet her soon. Right now I was standing outside Yuta's cabin. We were going to discuss about the things we needed in Seoul.

💕 Time skip

- It was late evening when we were done with meeting. I exited the office and went towards my car. Suddenly, my phone rang. I saw the id and it was Taehyung.
- " Helloo....."
- " Hii... You sound excited. What happened?"
- " Guess... who is coming back to Seoul!"
- " Are you kidding me? Are you seriously coming back?"
- " Yessss.... Mr. Nakamoto has decided to have a company's branch in Seoul and he is giving it to me to handle."
- " Wow broo! Congratulations!!!"
- " Thank uuhhh... Btw why dif you call?"
- " Actually, Y/n is coming to Japan. She will be arriving in an hour."
- " Whatt? How?"
- " Someone from their company leaked all the illegal doings of her father to media. The company is in a big trouble and can suffer bankruptcy. So, she is coming to Japan to meet Mr. Nakamoto."
- " What!? She is coming to my company?"
- " Yeahh... She is going to request for merging your Seoul branch of Korea with their company."
- " Means, if tomorrow Mr. Nakamoto agress to merge companies me and Y/n will be business partners and work at same place?"
- " Apparently yes. This will be beneficial a lot for you as you are getting workers easily."
- " Its really good!!! This mean I can meet Y/n tomorrow!"
- " Yeahhh... You can."
- " I am so nervous... I am going to see her after fuckin 4 years. What if she doesn't love me anymore?"
- " Dude, she really cries daily because she misses you."
- " You are right. This has caused us so much pain. I hope things will be fine now."
- " Me too. Byee... I'll call you tomorrow."
- " Yeahh... Bye..."

- I hung up the phone with a wide smile on my face. I had finally become something in my life. Now nothing can stop us.
- Everyday I lived but without her I felt dead. She was the reason of my happy living. Tae kept me updated about her. When her father died I wanted to call her to comfort her. When she became CEO of company I wanted to call her to congratulate.
- But I didn't do it. I held myself back waiting for right time. I wanted to enter her life again but this time I didn't wanted anyone to point out something in us. This time everything was going to be perfect for us.

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