Chapter Two: Pretentious

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I've had to put up with Jim's smart responses for two weeks now and I'm sick of it.

"Jim can you not talk right now?" I ask as I try to listen to what Kyle is saying. He rolls his eyes and I've had it.

"Come here." I say pulling him off to the side. "Do you have to do the opposite of what I ask you to do?" I ask. "Did you talk over Belichick?" I ask and he looks surprised. "Did you?" I press.

"No." He quietly answers.

"Then don't try to be a clown now. If you talk again you'll have me to deal with." I say.

"I already do." He responds as I turn around.

"Go give me two miles." I say spinning around to look at him immediately.

"I don't have t-"

"Two miles now!" I yell causing everyone to look at us.

"You heard her." Kyle says. Jim sighs before he starts running.

"That's bullshit." Bosa scoffs.

"Join him." I say.

"What?" he asks.

"Go." He starts running and I sigh. "That goes for everyone else, I will not tolerate disrespect towards me or any of the coaching staff!" I say loud enough for them all to hear.

They start warming up and Kyle comes to stand next to me.

"I don't know why Jim is acting up." He sighs. "He's never been like this."

"I just won't tolerate that behavior."

"I completely understand. And thanks for today." He says patting my back. I nod and smile at him before he leaves.

The rest of the session goes by well. Most of the players clear the field and Royce is waiting for me inside. I see Jimmy alone and I walk towards him.

"Why don't you respect me? Is it because I'm a woman?" I ask, putting my hands on my waist.

"No." He says as he takes his shirt and pads off. "Women coaches are great, I love Katie." He points out.

"What is it then?" I ask.

"Permission to speak candidly?" He asks.

"Granted." I reply without missing a beat.

"I don't respect you because you did not get this job on your own merit, you got it because you've been handed everything in your life. You don't know what hard work is. I don't care that you trained Joe Burrow or that he likes you, I just don't see my attitude towards you changing."

"Joseph does not like me, who told you that?" I ask.

"You said you trained him."

"I did, we got it done, but don't think for a second that he likes me, does he respect me? Yes he does but that does not make us friends." I reply remembering how rough it was with us in the beginning. "I went my whole career going by Emeraude Santiago I just added York because I thought it wouldn't matter anymore, I thought my reputation would speak for itself and I wanted to make my father happy because he's been begging me for years for me to claim his last name. I work hard and get results that is why I got this job. You may not like me, but guess what sweetheart I'm not here for you to like me. I'm here to make this team strong and that is what I'm going to do."

"You're so-"

"So what?" I interrupt.

"So pretentious." He says making me laugh.

"I'm not pretentious, if you knew what that word meant you wouldn't be saying it to me, you'd be saying it to yourself, because you're not who you try to be and you're fooling yourself if you think you are who everyone else thinks you are. You're a man who failed to live up to the expectation, you're the man who couldn't live up to the hype." I say and watch as he is left speechless.

"You ready amor?" Royce asks, coming from behind me.

"Yeah." I say looking up at Jimmy who hasn't moved.

Royce leads me out of the field and talks to me about his music and show coming up.

"You're coming right?" He asks.

"Where is it?" I ask as I get into the car.

"You're not paying attention." He laughs. "It's next Friday at 8:00."

"I'll be there baby." I assure.

"I'll see you next week." He says as I get off the car. I blow him a kiss and head inside my house.

"Where's Royce?" My sister Dani asks.

"He's getting ready for the tour and couldn't come by." I say as I head into the kitchen to find my mom cooking.

"Hi mami." I smile kissing her cheek.

"Hi baby, how was work?" She asks as I sit on a bar stool.

"It was great." I smile but she sees right through it.

"Are you sure?" She frowns. "That's not a great look you got."

"I'm just upset about Royce being gone, but everything was fine." I reassure.

"Oh honey he'll be back." She laughs off.

"Dad says hi." I say remembering he asked me to say hello.

"Hmmm." He sighs with a funny look. "Of course he does." I laugh at her response before heading up to my room to take a shower.

Once I get into my pjs my phone rings. It's my dad.
"Hello." I answer.

"Hey baby, I'm sorry I had to leave early."

"Oh don't worry about it dad." I laugh.

"How was it?"

"It was good, the guys got good reps in, nobody got hurt, I did my job."

"That's great to hear." He chuckles. "I wanted to ask you a favor."

"Sure, anything."

"Can you keep a closer eye on Jimmy?" He asks making my throat go dry.


"Well as much as I'd hate to admit it I do think he is accident prone, and I just want us to start the season off as strong as we could."

"Oh ok."

"So you will?" He asks.

"Yup." I say and close my eyes in frustration.

"Okay sweetheart, I'll see you soon, goodnight."

"Goodnight." I reply before hanging up.

Jimmy already thinks I'm on his ass I can't imagine what kind of nightmare he'll be from now on.

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