Chapter Five: Distraction

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—3 weeks later—
"Jimmy can you hand me that bandage?" I ask as I'm on my knees helping George wrap his ankle. I see him ignore me before walking away. I gulp and have Emmanuel pass it to me.

"That was rude." George says as I adjust the band.

"Yeah." I sigh, "he's been like that, but I don't care I'm not here to be best friends with him."

"That's the attitude." He smiles. "Jim's just used to being everyone's favorite, and I don't think he's your favorite."

"Not with that attitude." I say.

"Well, I know I'm your favorite so let's keep it that way." He winks, making me laugh. "Thanks for this." He says.

"No problem." I smile.

I walk out to the field and watch as the wide receivers go through their drills. I keep an eye on the OL team when I get a phone call from Dani.

"Hello?" I answer.

"It's not true Em! He would never!" She says in a panicky voice.

"What? Wa-Dani calm down." I say hearing her freak out.

"The damn media always takes shit out of context." She continues.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I furrow my eyebrows and walk towards the locker room.

~~Jimmy's POV~~
I see Emeraude get a phone call, that's weird, she normally doesn't answer those when she's on the field, this must be important. I watch as her face contorts in confusion. This must be serious. She goes into the locker room and I decide to follow her.
"What are you talking about?" She asks. "No, I haven't seen the news I'm working."

"What do you mean?" She asks.


"It's a lie?" She asks.

"How would you know that?"

"Why would he tell you before telling me?"

I grab my phone and google her boyfriend's name and what'll you know he cheated on her. He was pictured in a club with two women at first I think nothing of it, as a man who likes to party I don't see anything bad with dancing with someone, oh shit never mind he's kissing one in the next photo.

"I'm gonna see what's going on, you're just giving me anxiety." She says and hangs up the call.

"What the fuck?" I hear her ask herself.

"Explain, right now!" She loudly says, I'm assuming she called the asshole. Oh shit she put it on speaker.

"Baby there's nothing to say! I'm sorry." He pathetically says.

"What?" She asks. "Dani told me they're lies."

"I told her that. I don't want your family to hate me."

"And you're okay with me hating you?" She asks.

"Emeraude, I'm a man I have needs, and it was a moment of weakness."

"What are you talking about? Am I not enough for you?" She asks, why is she questioning herself? "Do I not have needs too. I'm surrounded by attractive men yet cheating on you has never crossed my mind?"

"With who? The great Jimmy G?" He mocks then laughs off, "I have your tough attitude to thank for assuring me you wouldn't cheat on me, they all think you hate them, but most importantly. You're stronger than I am." He says. Does he think she can't get any? She totally could.

"Royce this is seriously fucked up." She sadly says, I think she might cry.

"I know baby, but we'll work through it."

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