Chapter Seventeen: Flawless

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"OK guys!" My dad yells in the locker room. "Get dressed, go to the after party and have fun! We got everything for you guys! I'll see you all there." He tells them. They all cheer in response and I find Jimmy.

"Are you gonna go change?" Jimmy asks.

"What, you don't like my outfit?" I ask.

"I love it, you don't have to if you don't want to." He assures making me laugh.

"I am changing. I'll meet you at the party."

"Don't be too long." He smiles leaning down to kiss me.

I head back to the hotel and change into my winning outfit and change my makeup.

I look at the poloriods I took and decide on my favorite

I look at the poloriods I took and decide on my favorite

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I'll have to give it to him, he deserves it.

Katie meets me in the lobby and we head out to the venue.

I enter the and am in awe. Holy shit, Calvin Harris is DJing? My dad did not spare any expense and I mean why would he?

I walk towards the bar asking for shots and taking them with Katie, I wanna have fun tonight.

"Em!" I hear my dad call. I walk towards him and say hi to our investors.

"She's gorgeous Jed." The young man tells my dad like I'm not even here.

"Oh you shouldn't have done that." My dad says.

"Why are you talking to him like I'm not here?" I question. "Am I not worthy of having a conversation with you? Or are you shy?" I ask.

"No-sorry, I meant no disrespect." He stutters out.

"Well, I feel disrespected." I say rolling my eyes and walking away. I see the team arrive and music is loud, confetti is being dropped, there's drinks going around and just about everything else. I see Jimmy who walks directly towards me.

"Holy shit." He says holding my hand and guiding me in a spin. "Look at you." He licks his lips making me blush.

"What about me?" I ask with a sweet smile.

"Everything." He answers leaning in to kiss me. I can taste the tequila on his lips.

"Have you been drinking?" I ask against his lips.

"Maybeeee." He playfully drags. I pinch his cheek slightly before pulling away.

"Go enjoy your day." I encourage when I notice his mom staring me down.

"It's our day, everyone's day." He says making me smile.

"Okay." I nod. His college friends come around and drag him away.

I grab another drink and go congratulate players.

"Get it Uncle Sherm!" I laugh as I watch Richard and Deebo dancing.

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