Chapter Twenty: black parade

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"Just wear a mask and you'll be fine." My dad begs. "We worked so hard sweetheart, you deserve to be there." The parade is tomorrow, but I've gone ahead and told my dad I have the flu.

"No dad it's okay, I don't want to ruin it for anyone."

"You'll ruin it for me if you don't go." Why is he like this?

"Okay, but can I bring some friends?"

"Of course! Bring as many as you'd like."

"Ok, I'll see you there tomorrow morning." I try to sound happy, but I think I fail.

"I'll get a doctor to give you some I.V fluids."

"Uhh ok, bye, love you."

"Love you too, take care of yourself."

I toss my phone on the couch and sigh. I don't want to see him, it'll make me too sad and I don't want to ruin his parade. I'll just avoid him.

I walk next door to Sebastian's house, he's been so helpful to me in Monterey other than my therapist I really do think he knows everything.

"Hey." He smiles. "Come in." I enter his home and walk to the living room.

"Sorry for bugging." I sigh sitting on the couch.
"You never bug me." He laughs.

"Wanna come into the city with me tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow?" God I'm a dick, this is so short notice.


"For what?"

"The 49ers parade."

"Ohhh. You're going?" He asks, sitting next to me.
"I wasn't planning on going, but my guilted me into it."

"Oh no your dad is making you go to the biggest event in the city tomorrow. You poor thing." He sarcastically says.

"Shut up." I say hitting him with a throw pillow. "You know why I don't want to go."

"I know I know, I'm just teasing." He smiles. "So you want me there for what?"

"Because you're my friend andasanexcusetostayawayfromJimmy." I say very quickly.

"To what?" He asks.

"TokeepJimmyawayfromme." I mumble again.

"To keep Jimmy away from you?" He asks making sure he heard me correctly. I nod shyly before covering my face.

"Is that the best thing for the situation right now?"

"What do you mean?"

"You want to show up with a guy after his mom accused you of essentially cheating on him the night of the Super Bowl."

"They don't know you were there."

"Emeraude." He warns.

"I don't care how it looks Sebastian, I know I did nothing. They'll never know you were at the after party and I just really want you and my sister there. They'll assume your Dani's friend."

"Fine I'll go, but only because I'm actually a fan of the team and this is a dream come true."

"Yeah sure whatever." I sarcastically dismiss.
He cooks me dinner before I go back to my house.

I have a bad feeling about today. I don't know why but I have to go regardless. Thank god I have a runny nose this way my dad doesn't think I've been lying to him.

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