Chapter twenty-two: I hate it here

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"Emeraude can you go get the lemon bars I made?" Denise asks.

"Oooh Mama G's famous lemon bars!" Rosie excitedly says.

"Sure." I say through my teeth. I walk back to the house and find a beautiful plate of lemon bars would be a shame if...they happened to fall. I grab the plate and smash it against the floor. Oh my god. Emeraude why would you do that?

"Oh what happened here?" Nana asks, waking into the kitchen.

"Oh, I tripped, these heels man." I panic.

"Are you okay?" She asks as she grabs a broom and sweeps up the mess.

"No." I say with a deep sigh. "I want them to like me and so far all I'm hearing is how much I've ruined Jimmy and how dressed up I am and then Denise comes and has her own Hail Mary,I just feel like I'm bound to lose this battle." I confess.

"Tesoro." She sighs walking over to hold my hand. "even if you lose this battle, you can still win the war." Her words speak to me, she's absolutely right.

"Nana you're so wise." I smile giving her a hug, she laughs and gives me a squeeze.

"Now what Hail Mary did Denise have?"

"Puttana." She angrily says. "Not Rosie."

"Who is she?"

"Jimmy's ex girlfriend; his first love I guess."

"Well that's great." I throw my hands up in defeat.

"No, don't worry dolcezza, Nana will fix this. I've gotten rid of her once I can do it again." She assures. "Also, I have a question."


"Who is your father?" She asks. "I keep hearing them talk about your dad and I'm just confused as to how they know him and I don't." She laughs.

"My dad is the CEO of the 49ers." I explain and watch her expression change.

"Ooh my. Now it all makes sense." She laughs.

"Hey Em where are those lemon...what happened?" Jimmy asks, seeing the mess on the floor. "Jesus Emeraude, was it the heel or did you do it on purpose? People were looking forward to those." Oh I'm sorry does he have a fucking attitude with me?!?

"James, that is no way to talk to a lady." Nana scolds. "I dropped the lemon bars not her, why don't you ask before you go on accusing people?" She asks.

"I'm sorry, I just—"

"Wanted to please Rose." She finishes for him.

"What? Nana c'mon." He dismisses as he grabs a beer from the fridge.

"Sai che non mi piace sua. ( You know I don't like her.)" She grunts at Jimmy.

"perché? è una brava persona. (Why? She's a good person.)" He responds holy shit I wish I could turn on English subtitles.

"Una brava persona che ti ha fatto quasi rinunciare ai tuoi sogni (A good person who almost made you give up on your dreams)?" Nana is pissed.

"Sai che non è stato cosí (You know it wasn't like that)." He whines.

"Emeraude gioverà alla tua carriera, sai chi è suo padre(Emeraude will benefit your career,do you know who her father is) ?" She says. Italian is like Spanish's cousin, she mentioned my dad.

"si lo faccio, ma questo non ha niente a che fare con lui. (yes I do, but this has nothing to do with him.)" He sighs. "si tratta di come odi Rosie. (it's about how you hate Rosie.)"

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