Chapter Ten: Avoiding the Inevitable

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"You're not coming." I say as I grab my workout clothes.
"Why not?" He angrily asks.
"Because my dad is going to be there and he's going to wonder why you're there and assume we're having problems." I lie.
"True." He nods. "I'm going tomorrow." He smirks.
"I'm having a club appearance tonight."
"Okay and?" I question.
"You're coming with me."
"Alright." I sigh.
"Really?" He asks. "That easy?"
"Well you have my reputation on the line, so I don't really have room to argue."
"Exactly." He says leaning in to kiss my cheek. "I'll see you later, wear something sexy." He says biting his lip.

I drive to the workout facility and cry the whole way there. I have to go talk to my dad and he'll know what to do. I'm embarrassed of him knowing I let Royce record us having sex, but at this point what choice do I have? How could I be so stupid?

I go straight to his office and find him on the phone. He holds up a finger to me letting me know he'll be with me in a second. I nod and take a seat in front of his desk. I swirl in the chair and stop when I see the couch, oh that couch Jimmy and I had our first kiss in.
"Yes Jenna I know." My dad says I can tell by his tone that this is not a good conversation. Aunt Jenna isn't the nicest of the twins. "Okay well until then I'm the CEO and I will have the final say." He says. Oh shit this is not a good time. "Good luck with that." He says before slamming the phone down.
"What happened?" I ask as he runs his hand through his hair.
"Sweetheart we are one scandal away from having this organization be taken away from us." He sighs and my heart breaks. "Jenna has been, excuse my language, on my ass about some deals that didn't go through which is exactly what she's been waiting for." He sighs, rubbing his temples. "But what's wrong? Did you want to talk about something?" He asks and my throat feels dry. I'm devastated.
"Nope." I say with a smile to hold my tears back. "Just wanted to come say hi before going out with the guys."
"It's your day off." He points out.
"Call me a workaholic, like my father." I say making him smile.
"Okay sweetheart, I'll see you around then." I go give him a kiss on the cheek before leaving.
I head out to the field where I see George.
"Hey Em! Isn't today your day off?" He questions walking towards me.
"Call me a workaholic." I say with a small smile. I hear Jimmy's cadence and turn in the direction of the voice.
"Workaholic or are you here for Jimbo?" He asks, raising an eyebrow making me blush.
"Shut up before I put you through the worst workout you've ever known."
"Honey you already have." He says making me laugh. "But don't be shy, he told me a few things." He winks before leaving. "Hey everyone Emeraude is here! Make sure she doesn't hear you talk shit!" He yells, making everyone look at me. I laugh and wave back to those already waving at me.
"Em." Jimmy says jogging towards me. "I thought today was your day off?" He asks. "I was going to bring you food and then I thought we could go to-" he stops talking when he sees me fight the urge to cry. "What's the matter?" He asks as his eyebrows come together slightly.
"Nothing, I'm fine." I smile, biting the side of my cheek.
"Are you sure?" He asks.
"Yeah, I'm just...gonna go have a run." I say and start running away from him around the field. Once I get to the side opposite of him I stop and try to catch my breath. I lean forward and cough. I look up and see Jimmy looking at me from where we once stood.
I can't tell him, I'm ashamed. He probably won't want me anymore, I don't even know if he wants me now. Crazy how different life was 24 hours ago. He continues to stare at me, making me smile. He smiles and waves, I wave back and continue to jog until I finish my miles.
I feel my phone buzz and I notice I have a text from him.
Jimmy: wanna get some lunch?
Me: here?
Jimmy: no! I mean, unless you want to eat here?
Me: it's taco Tuesday 😋
I really would rather go somewhere else, but with Royce having eyes on me, I don't want to risk it.
Jimmy: okay, I'll meet you there.
I head towards the cafeteria and I'm just a nervous mess honestly.
I should explain the situation to him, I know I should, but I'm afraid fuck why do I have to be so stupid?????
I mean it's not like he's against women in the adult film industry I'm painfully aware of that, but I want him to respect me.
"What?" I ask, seeing Jimmy in front of me.
"I said you look sweaty and gross." He teases, making me laugh.
"Well you're no dime at the moment either." I point out nudging his shoulder back.
We go through the line, get our tacos and drinks before sitting at a table alone.
"I'm so glad my dad pushed for street tacos instead of the Taco Bell shit." I say as I bite into my carne asada taco.
"So you're who we should be thanking." He says.
"Yes." I say proudly.

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