Chapter Seven: Atonement

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"Hello." I answer.

"Emeraude." My dad says.

"Yes?" I nervously drag.

"Did you call my starting quarterback a sorry ass broken Tom Brady in front of his whole offense line?" He asks.

"Noooo." I guiltily respond.

"Emeraude." He says.

"Okay, but he started saying mean things first." I argue. "I only did what you taught me to do, which is to defend myself." I point out.

"Sweetheart it was inappropriate to disrespect him in front of the men he is supposed to lead."

"It was inappropriate of him to bring up my relationship problems in front of everyone."

"He did?" He asks.

"Yes dad it was humiliating." I say and tear up.

"Okay honey, but I still don't want you to talk to him like that in front of the team members. I will talk to him about talking to you in the manner that he did and he will never do it again."

"I'm sorry dad, I swear I didn't mean any of the things I said. I was just angry." I say as my tears roll down.

"I know sweetheart. It'll be okay." He assures. "The other coaches had an idea." He says after a few seconds of silence.

"An idea?" I ask as I get myself together.

"Yeah they see the tension and we all collectively agreed you make the team better, he makes the team better so we'd like to keep both of yo-"

"What is it dad?" I ask bring annoyed that he's beating around the bush.

"Just be here in an hour."

"For what?" I ask.

"You'll see when you get here." He sighs. "Love you, bye." He says before hanging up. I take a shower, do my hair and apply some makeup. I put on a shirt, jeans and some wedges

 before heading out and back to the stadium

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before heading out and back to the stadium. I park my car and head into my dads office. I see Jimmy sitting in front of the desk making me cautiously walk towards my dad.

"Sweetheart can I see your phone?" He asks. I furrow my eyebrows but hand it over.

"You are both great members of the team, we've noticed there's been some tension between the two of you and we don't like it." My dad says as he gets up from his chair and has me sit where he was. "So it's with the best intentions that we will be locking you both in here until you figure it out." My dad says before rushing out the door and locking it.

"Dad!" I yell before running to the door but he locked it already. "Dad please this is a joke! I'm not a child."

"Jed c'mon man open the door!" Jimmy says as he too pounds on the door. I try to open the window but it's been locked as well. I sigh in defeat and sit back on a couch. Jimmy continues to pound on the door for a couple minutes more before he too sits down.

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