Chapter Twelve: Suspect

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I get to my house and find Royce napping on my bed. I look down at him and don't feel anything, not anger, not happiness, just nothing.

I take a shower and lay in bed with him. He wraps his arms around me pulling me close and I don't fight him off. I don't have the energy and I really just don't care anymore.


49ers 2020 Holiday Party.

"Hurry up." Royce groans as I get out of the shower. "We don't want to be late do we?" He asks. I put on my bra and panties and look through my closet. "Why didn't you choose what to wear beforehand? Do you want to embarrass me in front of your father?" He asks, getting on my nerves.

"Can you fuck off?" I snap. He looks at me and I immediately regret it. Before I know it he has a fist full of my hair and my head is hits against the wall. I try to move but his hand wraps around my neck.

"Get your hands off of me." I struggle to say as tears fall down my face.

"Do you se-" he stops and takes his hand off my neck letting me breathe. "Do you see what you made me do?" He asks as now he's the one crying. "I don't want to hurt you Emeraude, I love you." He says before hugging me.

"I love you too." I reply fearing what he might do if I don't say it back.

"We can be late baby, take all the time you need." He says kissing my lips and cheeks repeatedly. I nod and watch as he leaves the room. I grab the dress I intended to wear and put it against my body. My bruised body. I can't wear this. His hand print still prominent on my neck makes me cry. I grab my makeup and try to cover it but wince in pain every time I touch my skin.

I decide on a longer flower print dress with sleeves I cover up my neck with makeup and I'm ready to go.

"You look gorgeous

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"You look gorgeous." Royce says taking my hand leading me out to the car.

The car ride is mostly him singing beautiful love songs to me while holding my left hand.

We arrive to the event and to my luck there's a red carpet. I gulp as I step out of the car and Royce leads me through the madness. I see my dad and immediately smile.

"Hi sweetheart you look gorgeous!" He says giving me a hug.

"Thank you! You look so handsome." I compliment him.

"Weren't you supposed to wear another dress?" He asks. "I remember Danielle showed me the dress you had chosen, it was a strappy black one." He recalls.

"This one felt better today." I nervously say.

"You know how indecisive this one can be." Royce says butting into the conversation.

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