Chapter Twenty-One: Nana knows best

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"I love Chicago." I smile as Jimmy and I leave the airport.

"You do?" He curiously asks.

"Yeah, my mom comes here a lot for business and would bring me when I was younger."

"Oh cool, what business is she in?"

"Real estate."

"Nice." He smiles.

We get a rental before starting the drive to Arlington Heights, it's a short drive, fuck.

He pulls up to the house and I feel so nervous.

"I should change." I suggest looking at my clothes.

"What? Why?" He laughs.

"I don't know my clothes got wrinkled during the flight, what if your Nana thinks I'm messy?" I rant.

"Em you look beautiful it'll be fine. And you're wearing jeans no way they're wrinkled."

"Okay." I sadly sigh before getting out of the car.

I pull my shirt down and wish I would have worn a shirt that is not low cut.

Oh my god Nana is going to think I'm like a whore or something

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Oh my god Nana is going to think I'm like a whore or something. I follow him inside and set my backpack in a room Jimmy points me to.

"Nana?" I hear Jimmy call out.

"I'm in the kitchen bambino." He replies. Bam-what? What is that ? Is it another middle name I don't know about? Oh my god I'm gonna sweat.

"I have someone I want you to meet." He says, leading me to the kitchen.

"What's bambino?" I whisper to him.

"Baby." He laughs. Wait why the fuck why is he laughing at me? I just wanna know what it is.

We get inside the kitchen and I find a woman standing by the stove.

"Hi Nana." Jimmy smiles engulfing the woman in a big hug. She kisses both of his cheeks before she grabs a hold of his face.

"Sweetheart you're so skinny." She observes. "I'm so proud of you! Congratulations on the win." She adds letting go of his face.

"Thank you." He blushes. "Nana, this is Emeraude." He introduces.

"Bella ragazza." She smiles walking towards me. I smile politely looking at Jimmy asking with my eyes what the hell she just called me. Did she call me a whore? I knew I should have changed shirts.

"Beautiful girl." She says giving me a hug and kissing both my cheeks. "I'm happy to meet you."

"Me too, Mrs. Garop—"

"Oh no, call me Nana." She interrupts.

"It's nice to meet you too Nana." I say.

"How do you know my Jimmy?" She asks as she holds my hand.

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