Chapter Nineteen: I'm not a York

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"We're going home right?" She asks as I enter her car.

"Unfortunately." I sigh.

"Really sounds like you missed us."

"Royce beat the fuck out of me in that house." I remind her. "Sorry if I'm not exited."

"I'm sorry."

"Can you take me to my dads house please."

"Emmy no, I miss you. I'm sorry, please come home I swear I won't say anything else."

"No seriously." I beg. "I'm not ready. I can't stay with you guys there." I say trying to hold back tears but they flow out.

I notice she pulls over.

"What's wrong?" She asks, noticing my tears were for much more than just Royce. "Em we used to tell each other everything, I feel like were strangers now. You're my sister and I want to help. I fucked up by not seeing the signs of what that son of a bitch was doing, but I want to help in any way I can now." I feel her hand rest on my knee and it feels so good to have her around again.

"I just feel like I'm constantly fucking up and everyone is so mean to me. I get blamed for shit I have absolutely no control over. I try to be good Dani, you know I always try my hardest to do that, but lately I feel so lost." I confess. I tell her the whole story about Jimmy through tears and watch her get angry.

"It hurts me to see you like this sis, you are the kindest person I've ever known and the strongest person I know. What Denise did and is doing is the most disgusting thing a woman can do to another woman. You've been abused and she knows that, and she still thinks it's okay to come at you like this when all you and Jimmy want is to be happy? That's ridiculous. I know you like him, but is he really worth having to deal with all of that?"

"That's the thing Dani, I don't know if he is. I know he's a good person, I just, I would have liked to get to know him better."

"I know, I'm sorry Emmy."

I end up having her drive me to Monterey, fuck San Jose.

"Well no wonder you don't come visit, Jesus look at this place!" She smiles looking around.

"Can you stay for the day?"

"I would love to, but I have to work." She pouts. I don't try to hide my sadness, but I get it.

"Okay well next time you have some time off please come visit me here."

"Of course!" She nods. "Will I see you on TV for the parade?" She asks with a hopeful smile.

"No." I shake my head. "I'm not going."

"Why!? You were a part of the team, they don't get to the super bowl without your persistent mean ass." I laugh at her dig but shake my head.

"No I don't want to potentially ruin what's supposed to be a joyous day."

"What have you done to my sister?" She asks.

"Dani." I sigh wanting her to stop. "I've had enough from that team. I swear joining my dad in the business has just been the absolute worst."

"Aww Em, don't say that." She frowns.

"I'm serious. Before all this I was happy, I had a boyfriend who didn't hit me and I thought I'd marry. I knew who I was and where I belonged and now, now I'm living in Monterey, California. The place where the most boring people in the world live in."

"This'll all be a bump in the road soon hermana." She assures giving me a hug.

"I hope so." I sigh against her hair.

"Ok I gotta go, but I'll visit soon!"

"Looking forward to it." I smile.

I walk her out and tearfully watch her drive away.
I definitely needed her in my life, she's young, but wise. I head out to the beach smiling at the familiar view. I missed this.

—Dani's point of view—

That bitch Denise thinks she can ridicule my sister and get away with it? Ha if they think Emeraude is bad they're gonna die once they meet me. No one fucks with my sister and gets away with it. Emeraude might be bitchy, but that's only because she got the York genes. I don't. I'm a full bitch. I don't have to take care of their brand, I'm not a York.

I pull up to the familiar house and get out.

I walk up to the door and knock loudly.

"Hello?" An old woman asks as she opens the door. "How can I help you sweetie?"

"Are you Denise?" I ask.

"Yes." She smiles.

"Fuck you for making my sister feel like shit." I say and watch her smile fade. "She has done nothing but be nice and show class, something you obviously lack lady. You think you're protecting your son, but in reality you're just being the most despicable poor excuse of a woman I've ever had the displeasure of knowing about."

"You need to leave." She says and tries to shut the door, but I stop the door with my foot.

"No I'm not done!" I yell. "You're going to hear everything I have to say. My sister may not be perfect but she's pretty fucking close, why else would your son chase her around like a lost fucking puppy? You think you're doing him a favor but you're ruining him! You're depriving him of a relationship that could only do him some good. That's how much of a better person Emeraude is. Would you rather he be with the pornstar he sleeps around with? Would you be satisfied with her? My sister may be damaged as you called her, but she's not the whore you made her out to be no your son is by definition the whore in this scenario. " Shit, did I fuck up? Oh well. "And don't you ever throw the fact that my sister was abused in her face ever again or the next visit I'll pay won't be as nice." I finish. I notice the family was an audience, but I don't care. I got it all off my chest. "You pride yourself of being a good catholic women when you're just the devil itself." I scoff.

"And fuck this stupid white picket fence, if you wanna live in the fucking suburbs so badly move back to Illinois, no one would miss you!" I yell as I get back in my car. My god that felt good.

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