Chapter Eighteen: Homecoming

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"Denise, you scared the fuck out of me." I sigh, putting a hand over my heart.

"We're not friends." She clarifies. "Honey I don't think I made myself clear." She says. "I don't want you anywhere near my Jimmy."

"No I got that." I nod feeling sick. "But that's not fair to Jimmy."

"Jimmy doesn't know what he wants."

"He's a grown man." I argue

"I'm his mother I know best and the best thing for my son is for you to stay the hell away from him." She says opening her door.

"I'll stay away. But I can't guarantee your son will stay away from me." I smirk.

"I'll take care of that." She adds before slamming the door closed. I see a bucket with champagne and dump everything out before throwing up in it.

"You okay?" The driver asks.

"Yeah, she's scary. Can you take me to my hotel?" I ask.

"Sure." He nods. I give him the address and arrive at the team hotel 15 minutes later.

The elevator doors open and I see Jimmy sitting by my room. Oh my god.

"Jimmy." I say shaking his shoulder gently. "Jim." I say a little louder. "Jimmy!"

"Oh hi there." He tiredly says.

"What are you doing out here?" I ask, helping him up.

"I was waiting for you and I Uh, I fell asleep I guess." He groggily says.

"Ok baby let's go inside." I yawn as I open my door.

"Where did you go?" He asks as I lay him down on the bed.

"Nowhere. I came here." I dismiss.

"Did you go hook up with someone?" He asks in a sad voice.

"What?" I ask as I take his shoes off.

"Did you go sleep with someone? Is that why you left early?"


"You wouldn't do that to me right?" He tiredly asks.

"No baby. Of course not." I assure as I take my shoes and clothes off.

"I don't think I could take something like that. Not again." I put on an oversized shirt and put my hair up. I sit on the bed as I grab my makeup wipe and try to get as much off as I can. "Emeraude." He calls out.

"Yes?" I ask, cuddling next to him.

"Please don't do that to me."

"I won't." I assure, reaching up to give him a kiss.

"Hmmm, I like that." He slowly says.

"Let's go to bed."

"I won." He mumbles a few minutes later. "I got it done, no one can doubt me now."

"Yeah you did. Our quest for 6 is over."

"All those ESPN guys could fuck right off now."

"Yes." I tiredly respond.

"They're so mean."

"I know baby." I say holding him a little harder.

"Why was everyone so mean to me?" He asks. I don't know what to tell him, he's so vulnerable right now.

"I don't know, talking trash gets them views." I try to explain.

"They can't do that to me anymore right?" He asks, his tone is like that of a child's. "I don't know if I could take another off-season of them being that mean."

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