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Prem pov

Morning rays hit my eyes, I rubbed it to wake up as usual great argument between my mom and dad.. This is not new for me. So I didn't listen to them. I went to bathroom for my morning routines, I went for closest still I heard argument.. Suddenly a great noise.. I was startled.. I ran to living room. I was still in my bathrobe. My dad's hand was bleeding , I was shocked,ran to to him, grab the table cloth and pressure him to stop further bleeding, I saw my mom with disappointment, she was still holding the vase that she used for violence, she is always like this when her anger reached the peek, she will throw anything to anyone. She doesn't care about the concequences. By seeing this from my childhood, I was scared to love anyone, I trust that this will happen to me if I love someone, the pain.. my father love my mom to his extend so he can't leave her. My mom always need freedom to do anything as her wish, if anything comes on her way, she just steps on it with out care even it's me nor my dad she doesn't care. My father always get hurt physically and mentally because of her so I decided to study medicine. My father pleased me to study business management but I refused, eventually he too accept my decision. I was studying medicine..

She threwed the broken vase to ground and left the room. I helped my dad to sit on the couch. I called the maids to get some water and first aid kit. They bring that in a minute, I treat his wound, after that he raffled my hair and smiled softly..

Dad: Prem... I want to tell you something..

Prem: Hmm. Tell me dad...

Dad: I want you to go to Bangkok..

I furrowed my brows like confused.

Prem: But why dad??

Dad: Your mom...

Prem: Dad this is not new for me, I used to this but I can't leave you in this hell all alone.

Dad: No.. Prem.. I want you to take care of your grandfather..

Prem: Do I have grandfather? Why didn't you told me since my birth till today?

Dad: Prem... I was born and grown in Bangkok, I was originally a Thai.. my father was a multimillionaire, I fell in love with your mother who was a Korean during my college days, she got pregnant with you, I was ready to take responsibility so I introduced her to my father, he was totally mad and didn't accept me, but I didn't hear him , I married your mother and lived in small apartment, one day my father called me and gave some settlement amount and asked me to get out this country, he doesn't want any insult because of me. I accept the money and came here, I started business, everything went well, you born, I felt all happiness in my life, then I saw some changes in your mother's behaviour, I warned her, she didn't hear me, one day I found that she was the one made me drunk in graduation party and play with me got pregnant. She planned everything for my money, she didn't even love me once.. I was broken but because of you I can't let her leave, I accept her but she doesn't get enough, all wanted more, more and more... I succeed in all business I started but I can't lead peaceful life... Before two days your grandfather call me... He requested me to see you. I was melted to hear his voice, sometimes I thought that this fate is the karma following me that I done wrong to my father. So now I want to replace something, you please fix things Prem.. you go to your grandfather take care of him.

Prem: Ok dad I will do this for you.. don't worry. But my studies...

Dad: Don't worry Prem. I already asked a medical seat in Bangkok university, I arranged all your flight, things every thing.. you are flying tomorrow night. Before that you can meet anyone you want..

Prem: Ok dad..  I am going to meet my friend...

Dad : Who.. ? Kai.

Prem: Yeah dad...

I left my mansion to see my in cafe.

Kai: Hey buddy... What man you called me to hang out, what's the surprise...! This is not you..

Prem: I want to tell you something..

Kai: What's with this serious face, it didn't suit you...

Prem:  I am leaving to Bangkok tomorrow..

Kai: So what man, just a vacation.. when are you returning??

Prem: Not for vacation to settle down..

Kai: WHAT!!?? But why man??

Prem: it's long story, I will tell you some other time.. I am going to settle down with my grandfather..

Kai: Do you have grandfather??

Prem: I do know this morning..

Kai: it's good you chose to learn many languages. So you won't have difficulty in speaking thai..

Prem: I can speak and read but I can't write that fluently. So I want some practice.ok I want to forget all this mess. let's go anywhere..

Kai: ok as you wish, let's have some fun..

Kai is the only friend from my childhood, he was very caring person, who always been there for me to go through many difficult situations..., Because of my family. He chose medicine because of me.. now I feel guilt to leave him.. so I wanted to have fun as much as I can.  We explore all the places we used to go from our childhood. We had all fun all day we get drunk, so we went to his place. I am not a person who get drunk but this will  be the last time we hang out like this, so I didn't care about any thing. Next morning I went to my place, get packed my things, still my mom didn't ask or tell me anything regarding this matter.. I was confused , I decided to ask her..so I went to her room.

Prem: Mom..

Mom: What??

Prem: Tomorrow I am leaving to Bangkok.

Mom: So..??

Prem: Did you know?? .....

Mom: What if I know or not, what concerns me about you. Go wherever you want...

My heart broken by her words but I didn't surprised.. I left her.. next day my dad sent me off in airport, she didn't even come here. I landed safely, a man with full black suit holding my name plate.. I reached him, once he acknowledged me he treated me like prince. Somewhat I felt uneasy about that, I always prefer to be friendly with all even with the maids.. a huge golden gate opened wide, I get into the huge mansion with classic as well as modern look, there came a old man with stiff walk, some strict look, but once he saw me, his face turned into soft and smiled brightly.. my heart felt ease. I reached him, hugged him. He embraced me with warm. I felt like I was in my dad's hand.. he accompany me to explore the mansion, then he showed my room. It was two times big than my older one. We spent rest of day by sharing all past memories, he told many things about my dad. Like this first day in my grandfather's mansion over. I slept in peace.. Next day I get ready for uni, we had breakfast together.. then I left. Today was my first day so I was unfamiliar with ways.. I took a white Benz, parked in right place,get off there I saw many girls surrounding a person. I can't see him. I thought he was some celebrity.. he was wearing a black jacket with golden hair tied like bun. That's all I can see. I crossed the crowd went to admission office, get my class schedule. Again I got lost. Some what I found my first class English. I entered, it's late, all turned to me, I went to professor, he acknowledged me and introduced me. I smiled and said hi.. my sight catch that golden hair boy, full in black.. leather jacket, ripped jeans, his ears filled with many earrings, his neck ornament look different, he didn't look like Thai person, he look like korean pop star.. his attitude look does something to me, flip in my stomach. He was staring me with intensive look. I crossed him, his manly scent tingling my heart.. I sat behind him. Classes over, it's lunch, I don't know anyone to go with. So I stretched myself. For my surprise that golden hair boy came to me to ask to have lunch with him, but he didn't ask it polite, he was ordering me to go with him, I liked his confidence but his attitude I didn't. He stretch his hand out to grab mine there I heard a familiar voice behind him, he move from my way. God that's my cousin Neo.. I don't know what he was doing here but I was so excited to see familiar face here. So I hugged him tightly.. after a broad smile. I turned my gaze to him, he was killing Neo with his ferious gaze.. I don't know why. But again my stomach flinched because of his look... I don't have this type of feeling this 22 years.. what is this???!!..

To be continued........

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