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Before Two years..

Prem got ready for operating Boun first. He checked everything, enough blood, anesthesia supply, his personal best team. When he rushed to the operation theater. Ohm walked in with Sera. She totally looked devastated. She ran to Prem took his hands and cried hard and said  "Please. Save my daughter. Please. Ohm said I want to donate blood, I never been aware that my child is suffering, its all my fault. I left her. It's all my fault. I am willing to give anything to her not only blood also by heart. I don't deserve to live on this earth after doing miserable things to my own daughter. Please." She fell on her knees grab the leg of Prem and cried aloud.

Prem pulls her up from his leg, grabs her shoulder, and said "It's not your fault that she is suffering. It's mine so don't feel guilty. All we need is to concentrate on getting her and him well soon. She sniffed, looked up to see me with a frown, and asked " what you mean by him. Is boun? Where is he? What happened to him?" Prem began to cry as well as Sera too.

Then ohm consoles them, in a while they both get calm. Prem said " We don't have time for this Sera. I want to save them both I promised them and I will don't worry" with that words Prem turned his gaze to Ohm and said " Take her to blood bank immediately" Sera interrupted Prem and said, "Prem now I remember when I gave birth to Piya I asked the doctors to save her stem-cells. I guess they did. Can you use them".

By hearing her words Prem grab her shoulder, his eyes were sparkling with happiness he hooked her and asked " Really Sera. " The girl just nodded her head. Prem turned to Ohm and said "Ohm please contact that particular hospital ask them to deliver the stem cells to our branch. It will be very helpful for both of them"

Ohm nodded his head, took sera with him, and about to walk away. There is a thud both of them turned to see the source of the sound their eyes went wide with the scene. Prem fell down unconscious. Sera got panic, Ohm yelled for help. Nurse and doctors rushed to them, took Prem to the emergency ward. They treated him. Found he fainted due to a lack of energy and exhaustion.

Prem was currently in observation. Sera, Fluke, and Ohm were scared to lose one of them. They don't want that to happen. Suddenly, there is a commotion in the emergency entrance. As a doctor Fluke went to check. There is an accident case there were two adults and a kid. Three more senior doctors arrived. They all tried to keep them alive but unfortunately, two adults passed away. The kid survived with heavy brain injuries.

Police arrived did all formalities and declared that that kid doesn't have any other relatives to take him in. So all expenses were accepted by a charity that decided to take that kid after he recovered. With the exhausting night Fluke fell in deep slumber while Prem still in observation.

Morning three Prem heard a beeping sound clearly it's from the ventilator. With the doctor's instinct, Prem opened his eyes observed the surrounding, realizing that he is in the bed of the emergency ward. He gets up, the knuckle strings he looked, and gets to know that his veins were connected to the IV unit needle. He knows he needs this so he strolls the IV unit carrier with him and walks towards the source of the sound coming from.

In the corner, there is a boy who bandaged his whole head. Shaking due to lack of oxygen. Prem rushed to the boy he adjusted the ventilation system, still boy is shaking,  he on the night lamp beside the bed read the report of the boy, he got a syringe used particular medicine. Now the boy is not shaking anymore. Now he observed the little boy for a minute, something flashed his mind, he again read that boy's report. He has the same blood group of Piya at the same age as Piya. But heavy brain injuries. For a second Prem thought "Oh God if this kid didn't make his life. It will be good. My Piya may have a chance to get a new heart"

After that second Prem cursed himself to think like that. He regrets to wish like that, to forget that he is also a kid who is cherished by his parents, he just thought about his kid, not another's. He cried for a long time for such a wish he made. He doesn't know when he fell asleep near the boy.

The next morning Fluke found Prem near the newly arrived kid. He woke up Prem to get back to his bed. Prem wakes up when Fluke did. Prem wanted to save the kid because of what he wished. When Fluke asked Prem to get some rest he refused and said his friend he gonna save that kid's life. Fluke got shocked to hear what Prem said. He can't understand his friend's weird behavior who forgot his own family and trying to save another kid.

Perm asked brain specialized to help him to do surgery but all doctors told the same that its difficult to do. If they try definitely it will be a table death but Prem didn't gave up on that kid, he pursued all the doctors and arranged the surgery. Prem believed that his positivity will save that kid.

The surgery went across one whole day. Finally, they assured the surgery was a successful one. Now all they want is the boy to fight for his life. Prem accompanied the boy to fight totally forgot his lover and his daughter, who were also fighting for their life. On the day surgery over the boy was shifted to the ICU ward. Prem was there near him to observe the recovery.

Midnight Prem wakes up from his deep slumber with a soft-touch in his cheek which was near the boy's hand. He opened his eyes saw the boy opened his eyes which is half-closed. He sat straight, went near the boy, and asked "Hey. Feel better? Everything gonna is alright. Don't worry. I am here". That boy just blinked, he tries to tell something. So Prem placed his ear near the boy's face. The boy said "Thank you" in a low sour voice.

A small smile crept on the chubby doctor's face that missed almost a month ago. Suddenly, there came a loud beep sound, the pulse was dropping down and vitals were uneven. Prem got panicked, he pressed the emergence button. All doctors rushed in does everything they can. They made the heart work again but unfortunately, his brain leaking so much blood inside so his brain went dead.

All doctors said there is nothing they can do anymore, Prem cried a lot. All suggested replacing that boy's heart to Piya but Prem kept refusing. He is legally now the guardian of Piya. So others don't know what to do. Then Fluke pursued Prem by saying that that kid will live in Piya's body. Prem accepted the fact. He did the heart transplantation and it was a successful one. Then about Boun, he pulled that bullet carefully removed that particular vein, and filled that with Piya's stem cells and that accepted by Boun's body.

So literally he saved his lover and his daughter, but that boy died. There are no relatives for that boy so Prem adopted that boy took his body to where their family ancestors rest. He did all formalities. Piya and Boun were out of danger, recovered well. But Prem can't forgive himself for what he wished for that kid and it came true. He can't accept the fact that his thoughts killed a boy.

Even Boun did all to distract Prem nothing worked. Even Piya tried to make his papa cheerful again but failed miserably. They all moved back to Bangkok. Then one day Boun suggests opening a charity and a hospital in the name of the boy to help the needy and poor to give free treatments. Prem smiled after so many months. He tries to move on but whenever he thinks of that boy his heartstrings. Sera helped them during the operation so Prem hired her as managing a department in his charity hospital. Sera accept that, worked hard and now dating a doctor.

Finally, after two years when the love of his life is proposed to him, he hesitates to accept because he doubts about himself whether he is allowed to live a happy life after what he did to that boy. All made him accept the fact he did nothing wrong. So here he is married to his love.

So how is the explanation? Sorry, I don't know more about the medical terms I did what  I know.

So what you all want next. Romantic ending or hot honeymoon?

To be continued...

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