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Prem pov

He came back.. when I saw him.. I just want to hug him tight. Because of Piya's presence.. I controlled myself.. he want to say Piya something about the Papa thing.. I cut his words.. After Piya went out of the scene.. I about to hug him... But when I reached him closer my heart deviced me.. again his natural manly smell making me crazy. I just brushed my nose with his.. still he didn't gave any sign of emotions. I was disappointed.. back in the past.. when we just hold hands.. he get aroused and ravish me.. now I took first move.. he didn't show up any reaction.. my heart clenched.. first I want him to show some emotions.. anything.. anger, guilt, love or lust.. I should regain all his emotions.. He excused and went upstairs.. after that I spent time with Piya.. full day he didn't show up down..I decided to give some space.. later that night.. I tugged Piya in her bed and went to check out him.. I opened the door. Lights were off.. only night lamp made the room visible in dim.. I went close to him.. he didn't change his suit.. sleeping .. I sat beside him.. observing his face.. suddenly he look scared.. he began to mumbled..

Boun: No... don't...no.... Pao.. don't..

I think he was having night mare.. I try to wake him up.. but he didn't open his eyes.. he began to sweat.. I again try.. to wake.. but he pull me for tight hug..  I hug him back.. he is so sticky.. I removed his shirt.. still he has this wonderful body.. became more muscular than before.. he is hot.. I mean his body temperature.. so I decided to transfer heat.. so I took my shirt off.. hug him in tight embrace.. now his face looked calm.. he nuzzled his face into my neck.. this feeling after a long time..I felt home again.. like this I don't know when I slept.. with the sudden movement I opened my eyes . It's already morning.   He was looking me like alien . I still rubbing my eyes feeling sleepy.. and voice out lazily..

Prem: What happened Hia.. ?? It's early na..

Boun: Ahem.. aha.. Prem...

Prem: Huh...

Boun: what... Are.. you m.mmmm doing here..

I suddenly came back to reality.. I opened my eyes wide.. blinked at him.. grab my shirt.. ran to exit.. I slammed the door and went to my room.. I was so embarrassed.. I want the ground to swallow me in instant.. I went for morning routine.. today I have op check up in hospital.. so I get ready for work.. once I got ready.. I went to get Piya.. made her morning routines.. already my maid made breakfast.. once we reached the living room.. I saw Hia was having his morning coffee.. with tab.. we join him.. I had my coffee.. and Piya had her milk.. later my maid call us for breakfast.. we all had it.. Piya and me were talkative as always.. Hia had is emotionless face.. in half way.. I voice out..

Prem: I having schedule today.. in hospital..

Boun: Hmm...

Prem: Yesterday you had fever. How do you feel..

I touched his forehead to check the temperature.. he back off.. I grab his face to place my forehead in his.. it seems normal.. he blinked his eyes continuously..  I smirked.. Piya laughed loud.. we part.. I turned his head away.. I lift Piya in my arms..

Prem: Princess.. don't make dad tired.. behave good..

Piya: Sure Papa.. when you return..get me ice cream..

Prem: Sure ... Papa will take you to ice cream stall.. hmm..

Piya: Hey ... . Papa you are best..

She hug my neck and kissed my cheek.. I drop her.. turn to my Hia..

Prem: I will leave first.. take care.. any thing important call me..

Boun: Hmm...

I sighed and left.. went to hospital.. had my op patients check up.. then after that.. Fluke came to see me..

Fluke: Hey.. buddy.. long time.. no see.. what's up..

Prem: Nothing much . Busy with new patient..

Fluke: Hmm..busy with patient or with your new family.. ??

Prem: Huh..

Fluke: I know you.. better..this is the first time you took a patient to your house.. and allowed to have a family with them..

Prem: she is a kid.. that's why..

Fluke: Then what about your Wednesday thing.. during every Wednesday you lock yourself with your house.. what ever the emergency you won't come out.. now where that stupid policy gone??

Prem: Fluke.. that...

Fluke: Prem..I didn't want to tease you.. I am really happy that you found your happiness.. just be brave this time..

Prem: Definitely.. Fluke.. I already done terrible things to him.. because of my cowardness ...  But now this time . I will hold him tight.. not to slip out of my life..

Fluke: That's my boy .

Prem: But I need your help Fluke..

Fluke: Anything..

Prem: He was not showing any emotions.. I don't know what to do..how to make him fall for me again..

Fluke: Hmm.. First let's check whether he has feelings for you..

Prem: How?

Fluke:  By making him.. Jelouse..

Prem: Then..

Fluke: If he get Jelouse..then use your body to make him fall for you..

Prem: Shit.. Fluke.. I thought you are innocent.. kid..

Fluke: No one innocent when it comes for sex..

Prem: You bad kid.. 

He chuckled.. I joined his laugh..

Prem: Ok.. how can I get him Jelouse..

Fluke: I will take care of Piya.. for tonight.. you better call him to meet you in club.. I will arrange some one to flirt with you..

Prem: Sounds like plan.

He left.. after that.. evening.. I wore a white button up shirt with skinny ripped jeans.. unbuttoned three button.. Went to club.. I had two shots.. suddenly I felt a tap in my shoulder.. I turned.. it's James.. a doctor who working as physician..  He is a handsome,tall and muscular man. He offered a drink..I had it.. we was speaking something random.. I got tipsy.. he asked me to join for dance.. I agreed..we moved slightly with the rhythm of music.. I loosen myself. I felt little dizzy.. James help me to stand still.. he embrace me by waist.. we moved..with music.. he wandered his hand on my back.. suddenly he slipped his hand to my ass..and squeezed sensually.. I let a moan.. next second.. he was pulled from me.. within a fraction of second.. he was in pain,,rolled like ball in ground.. I turned to the cause.. it's Boun.. fuming in anger...

To be continued

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