- TWO -

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There was nothing for Bakugou to do but wait on one of the common room couches for Kirishima to get back. He was coming back from staying home during their week of break while Bakugou had come back a few hours beforehand. Nobody else was back except for Deku and a couple other extras that Bakugou needed to learn the names of.

Bakugou needed to know why he was having more and more issues lately. Ever since that fucking fight with fucking Deku, he was messed up. After that fight, Bakugou had considered going to Kirishima's room, since he couldn't pull himself together and he didn't want to be alone, but he ended up just sitting awake on the floor of his dorm for the entire night.

    Later, when Fat Gum requested Kirishima, Bakugou was left alone once again. Everytime he and Todoroki would go through whatever boring and horrible lecture or field trip they had to sit through to get their licences, they would come home to nobody to talk to. Well, Todoroki had Iida and Tsu, so it was just Bakugou who had nobody to talk to.

    He would never admit it, but Bakugou actually liked Sero, Mina, and Kaminari, but he couldn't talk to them like he could with Kirishima. Kirishima just... understood him in a way the others didn't. Kirishima didn't make him apologize for how he was.

    Whenever Kirishima wasn't around, Bakugou missed him.

A few minutes later, Kirishima arrived, smiling like an idiot.

    "Oh, hey, Bakugou," he said. "Hope you didn't stay up for me."

    "Why would I do that?" Bakugou was a little distracted to be angry. He was still thinking about what would've happened if he went to see Kiri after the fight with Deku.

    Kirishima rolled his eyes. "Hey-"

    "I'm gonna go to bed."

    He turned, but Kirishima grabbed his hand.



    Kirishima reached out for Bakugou's waist and pulled him close, wrapping his arms around him in a hug. 

    Instead of either pushing him or hugging back, Bakugou just rested his forehead against Kirishima's shoulder.

    They stayed like that for a minute.

    Finally, Kirishima pulled away. "I'm going to bed, okay?"

    "Yeah, whatever," Bakugou stuffed his hands in his pockets.

    With one last glance, Kirishima left him.

    Bakugou could still smell him. Toothpaste and the faint scent of flowers.

    Bakugou woke up feeling weird. He had woken up three minutes before his alarm was supposed to go off, so he had time to stare at the ceiling and remember how weird last night was.     Hugging Kirishima seemed like something out of a dream. It was obviously something he wanted to do again, but it was so out of character and he worried that Kirishima might want to talk about it. Bakugou was fearless, but the thought of that happening terrified him.

    His clock changed so there was now only one more minute left. He got out of bed, ignored his glasses on his bedside table (if Denki saw him wearing them, there would be no end) and went out into the hall.

    "KIRISHIMA, GET THE FUCK UP!!" Yelled Bakugou, banging on his door.

    "I'M COMING," Kirishima yelled back, yawning loudly afterwards.

    Denki and Sero joined him outside the door and after a second Kirishima came out, his hair flat against the side of his head, but a few stray strands sticking up in the front.

    Denki messed up his already horrible hair. "Lookin' cute, Kirishima."

    "Is it really that bad?"

    "Yes." Kaminari wrapped his arm around him and they all walked to get food.

    After finishing breakfast, Bakugou, Kirishima, Todoroki, and most of the girls (Hagakure and Tsuyu being the exceptions) headed back to the dorms to get ready. Every day after breakfast, this group headed back before everyone else because they typically took a little longer to get ready.

    Bakugou liked to look presentable, but felt like it made him weird, so they both just said that he was just keeping Kirishima company while he did his hair. Todoroki was a different story. He usually got ready in his own room, leaving the other two to the sinks in the bathroom, but he seemed to do a lot to get ready. Bakugou had passed his room before and seen Uraraka helping him with makeup, but he never made fun of it, since he did the same thing. Maybe one day he could make fun of him for needing help because Bakugou could do his eyeliner by himself, thank you.

    Kirishima and Bakugou got to the bathroom, both with the stuff they needed. Kirishima started spraying his hair up while Bakugou used one of Kirishima's bandanas to push his hair out of his face. He rummaged through his bag until he found his moisturizer.

Usually they kept a conversation while they got ready, Bakugou was still thinking about last night. If Kirishima wanted to start a conversation, he would.

"Pass me that-" Bakugou waved his hand over to Kirishima's side of the counter.

Kirishima passed him the washcloth. 

"Kirishima," Bakugou said, moving on to makeup. He wore just enough so that people  didn't know he was wearing it. It made him feel more confident, as long as nobody else was aware of it.


"What do you, uh-" he looked at his feet. "Do you wanna do something later. It's still break."

    "How about tonight?" Kirishima suggested.

    "Yeah, sure, whatever," Bakugou said. "I mean we have an entire day."

    "Sorry, man, I'm going out for lunch with Tamaki since Togata's been busy helping Aizawa-sensei with Eri. Togata actually asked me if I would, isn't that sweet?"

    "Whatever," Bakugou rolled his eyes.

    "Anyway, we could go out for dinner and see a movie."


    "I'll look up times later. Do you wanna go with Denki or Sero or Mina?"

    "Could we just go?"

    Kirishima gave him one of his perfect smiles, with all his pointy teeth showing. "Of course. Just us."


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