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Mina was a little too excited to see her fake ID.

    She had stayed up until it was time to meet Todoroki. Until it was time, she had been doing her makeup in even further detail than normal, since it made her look older. She had also been working to tie up her hair in a way that hid her horns. She had to use a scarf, but it worked out in the end. Sero had told her that the kid doing the ID's would be able to photoshop her horns and Todoroki's scar off.

    At 10:50, Mina headed to Todoroki's room. Everyone was either in their own dorm doing last minute homework or sleeping.

    "Hello, Mina," Todoroki said gently, probably trying not to wake up his neighbors, or maybe that was just the way he normally spoke. He held the door open for her. Kirishima and Uraraka were already there, meaning they were waiting on Iida and Sero.

    Kirishima and Iida wore similar disguises to what they wore to break out Bakugou and Uraraka had her hair tied up with a short dress on and almost as much makeup as Mina.

    "How was makeup shopping for you?" She asked, sitting down in front of his desk.

    He rummaged through a small blue bag. "I've only ever bought stuff for my eyes, so foundation was a whole new deal, but I think I found a good match."

    "Curse you and your perfect skin," Mina took the foundation and a beauty blender from him as he sat down in front of her.

    Todoroki pinned his hair back with a light pink hair clip Mina assumed was Uraraka's and she went to work. He really did have a pretty face.

    Todoroki would be wearing a wig that covered the majority of his scar, but they were taking an extra precaution for safety. For being into teen magazines, Mina was well aware of who Todoroki was even before starting at UA. A lot of articles had been written about him from stalker paparazzis interested in getting to know Endeavor's attractive, potential #1 hero son, so he stuck out in any crowd.

    There was a soft knock at the door.

    "Got it," Kirishima got up and let in Sero and Iida.

    "Got your ID's," Sero handed them to Kirishima while Iida joined Uraraka. "Good luck."

    "He really didn't want to be a part of this," Uraraka observed after he left.

    "Who can blame him," Iida muttered.

    Todoroki flipped through the ID's. "Gotta hand it to him, though. These are awesome."

    Mina looked at hers. "Damn."

    "Damn is right," Kirishima gave Uraraka and Iida theirs. 

    "Wait," said Kiri. "Where's Shinsou?"

    "Meeting us there," Mina answered.

    "Wait, how long have you known about this?"

    "Like almost since the incident. But, Iida and Uraraka knew the night of."

    "So this entire time, you didn't tell me about this."

    "Kirishima, that doesn't really matter."

    Kirishima turned to Todoroki. "And why did you just tell me yesterday?"

    "You only told him yesterday?" Iida asked.

    Mina pulled her hand away from Todoroki's face.

    "Listen, I'm sorry Kirishima. I just realized yesterday that it would be beneficial to have another person along with us and you were obviously the best choice."

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