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The so-called Bakusquad wasn't the only group having a sleepover although they were probably having more fun than Deku and his friends were. At the moment, they were all silent with the only sound coming from Deku's laptop and Uraraka's tiny snores.

    Midoriya wasn't focused on the movie they were watching. He felt like he was going to throw up or start crying or both. After Aizawa had ordered the class to go back to the bus, he had Midoriya stay behind. Apparently, Todoroki muttered his name and their teacher thought it was best that he stay for when he woke up.

    After Todoroki had woken up, he said nothing and continued to say nothing all the way back. He was still stuck silent even now, staring blankly at the screen although Midoriya knew he was thinking about other things.

    Midoriya snuggled deeper into his blankets and closed his eyes, trying to fall asleep. Eventually, he drifted off.

    "Midoriya," said a voice as someone shook him. "Good morning."

    "Hmm," he rolled over and rubbed his eyes awake. Iida was standing over him, gently shaking him. "Oh, good morning, Iida."

    "We're going to get breakfast."

    "Okay," Deku yawned, getting out of his blanket nest and allowing Iida to help him stand. He realized they were the only ones left. "Have you talked to Todoroki this morning?"

    "Yeah, he said he's fine, but I don't really know what's going on."

    Midoriya sighed. "I feel like there was something else I could've done to help him."

    "C'mere," Iida held out his arms.

    Midoriya hugged Iida, burying his face in his friend's chest.

    "You did nothing wrong, Midoriya."

    Midoriya hummed in agreement, but he didn't believe it.

    Later in the day, Midoriya, Kirishima, and Tamaki met with Togata and Eri to hang out while Aizawa and Present Mic were in their meeting about the attack at the beach. They could've just allowed Togata to take care of her, but Aizawa had told him that it was actually beneficial for her to get to know others. He had even offered for Midoriya to invite others, but he took a pass for today, unaware about Todoroki's feelings towards kids.

    "Can you make a crown?" Eri asked Kirishima, holding out an armful of hibiscus flowers she had gotten from Tamaki.

    "Hibiscus?" Midoriya asked as Kirishima said he would try his best.

    "Yeah," Tamaki muttered, looking down. "I had some tea this morning."
    "He's been eating more stuff that allows him to grow flowers," Togata smiled at Tamaki, holding his hand.

"Eri likes them," he blushed.

"So, with everything that happened yesterday?" Togata said. "How's Todoroki?"

"He seemed normal during breakfast," said Midoriya, watching Kirishima fumble around with the flowers Eri gave him.  "I think he feels bad about it, although it was out of his control."

"Are you going to talk to him about it?"

"I should, huh?"

"I always feel better after talking through my feelings. Maybe he's the same way."

"I guess," Deku smiled.

"Um, Kiri messed up," Eri said, pulling on the sleeve of Tamaki's shirt. "Can we have more flowers, please?"

"Of course," Tamaki said, holding out his hand and growing more flowers.

"Thank you!" Eri hopped up and down with excitement.

Deku smiled wider. Eri being happy made everyone so much happier. Finally, Deku was at the stage where he could see her being so happy and not want to cry tears of joy and relief, but he was always close. Eri had gone through so much and he needed her to have a perfect childhood for the time she had left.

"Hey, Todoroki?" Midoriya knocked on his door. It was late at night, after dinner. Classes were to start the next day, so it was unfortunate, but they were no longer going to have sleepovers on Iida's floor.

"Come in, Midoriya," Todoroki said.

Midoriya blushed a little bit. Something about the way Todoroki said his name always made him smile.

Todoroki was kneeling while doing homework, spread out on the short table he had on his floor.

"You sure study a lot," Midoriya nervously laughed.

"Yeah," Todoroki put his pencil down and brushed his hair out of his face. "Schoolwork takes me a long time."

"But you're one of the smartest people in the class," at this point, Midoriya was speaking without thinking.

"Well, yeah," Todoroki shrugged. "But I don't pick up on anything as quickly as you and Momo do. I have to study whenever possible."

"Huh," Midoriya thought through all of what he said. It actually made a lot of sense and he felt better about the few times Todoroki said he had to study instead of hang out.

He took a seat next to Todoroki and looked over his shoulder at his schoolwork for Aizawa's class.

"All the hero stuff is pretty easy, though," Todoroki said. "What did you want to talk about?"

"Oh, I-" Midoriya had almost completely forgotten why he was here. "Well, we don't have to talk about it, but I was wondering if Aizawa or anyone told you anything about, well, you know."

"Yeah," Todoroki nodded. "Well, he hasn't told me anything yet, only asked questions on what happened, but of course I don't remember much."


"I did happen to overhear Aizawa tell Present Mic a theory, though. And, of course, I've been thinking of theories myself as well."

Midoriya smiled. Todoroki was the type to theorize maybe a little too much. The "All Might's secret love child" incident was enough for him to know that.

"They mentioned Nomus."

"Wow, really?"

Todoroki nodded.

"So the League of Villains is after you?"

"I don't think me in specific, since I just happened to be the one the most isolated for a short period of time and we all know how much our class is targeted."


"Yes, Midoriya?"

"I don't know if you do or I don't want you to, but I don't want you to think of any of this being your fault."

Todoroki smiled sadly. "I ended up not hurting anybody, but I can't help but wonder what would've happened if I did. And, I can't help but feel bad for scaring Eri. I mean, what would've happened if I hurt her?" He was starting to talk faster, more panicked.

Midoriya put a hand on his shoulder and their eyes met.

"It's okay, though."

"What if it wasn't?" Todoroki got quieter. "What if it happens again?"

Midoriya fell into silence. He was trying to think of any response, anything that would make him feel better, but it was hard to at the moment. He couldn't just tell him to move on. If he were in his place, he would feel the same way.

After realizing that he was thinking too much about this, he realized that his eyes had started to tear up.

"Midoriya?" Todoroki asked softly.

"I'm sorry," he said.

"You don't need to be," Todoroki whispered.

Midoriya met his eyes and they shared a look. That was enough for now.

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