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Aka Bakugou pulls up with Boogie by BrockHampton playing in the background


Everything was working out better than Bakugou had imagined. Instead of telling him he was being stupid or sending him back to his dorm, Present Mic had allowed him to come after he explained why they both needed to be there. He only had to raise his voice once!

It was worth it, too. He was getting the chance to reclaim his title of hero, not some damsel in distress, not someone who needed saving. He was now the opposite, actually. After setting off the loudest explosion he could muster, Present Mic followed it with the loudest pitch that the human ear could hear.

Whatever the Nomu had been doing to throw everyone in the vicinity into a dream, had stopped. They all sat up groggily as Bakugou sent out another explosion for safety. The loud noise from Bakugou and Present Mic were the only things stopping the Nomu from putting everyone under control. He only wished people would get off their asses and start fighting the League.

It didn't matter that he was now the hero, he had to stay at a distance. He was without his gauntlets, which would stifle the sound of his quirk, also meaning that he didn't have much control over where he was able to aim. Another thing that caused was the ringing that happened within his head whenever he used his quirk, was a hundred times worse, causing his head to throb with a terrible migraine. He was used to migraines, though.

He took a second to let sweat collect on his hands before setting off another loud bang. He normally didn't wait this long between using his quirk, but he was trying to stay consistent as possible, using the first one that snapped everyone out of it as reference.

The first wave of people that had stood up, being who Bakugou would consider the most powerful, were starting to fight back. Kirishima had started to break through the metal doors after sending Bakugou one of his signature gorgeous smiles that sent his heart into a panic.

It was a miracle that nobody had caught on to his crush before this. Well, besides Mina. Bakugou was sure she caught on. He wondered why she never brought it up, watching her follow Kirishima closely.

The rest of the fight was pretty rough to watch. Bakugou couldn't see or hear much, due to his own quirk. The thick smoke clouds in front of him were making his eyes water so much that he considered getting an upgrade on his mask as soon as he returned to UA. His contacts were having a rough time allowing him to see.

From the distance he was at, the only thing he could hope for was that Kirishima was okay and kicking serious ass. He also secretly hoped that they would find Todoroki and bring him back without any new scars.

Gunshots rang out from somewhere inside. Bakugou's heart dropped, hoping that everything was okay. He closed his eyes while sending out the next explosion, this one being particularly loud. A high-pitched ringing took over his hearing. As usual, Bakugou waited for it to go away as the smoke started to thin.

People were running past him, but Kirishima was still nowhere to be seen. Bakugou scrunched his eyes tight, trying to hear anything. Nothing. When he opened his eyes, he wished he hadn't.

Kirishima was running towards him, leading Mina, Deku, looking awkward and off balance from Todoroki being slung over his back, and Iida, carrying Uraraka, who's eyes were fluttering open and closed. Bakugou couldn't see most of her, but knew that she was hurt. He got a gross flashback to the Sports Festival.

Kirishima yelled something at him, but it was lost in the high-pitch ringing in Bakugou's head. He grabbed Bakugou's hand and pulled him along with them, still running. They stopped outside the gates of UA, which was thankfully only a few blocks away through a few shortcuts.

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