I'm Self-Isolating

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You might be thinking: NO! Flo, pls don't die!

Don't worry - I do not have the Coronavirus. I'm not even sick. It's my dad.
He may or may not have it. We don't know for certain. All we know is that he had an awful cough and a horrendous fever, and that he hasn't felt well at all these past few days.
Luckily, my dad is not classed as high-risk.

Unluckily, I am.

I don't know if I've told you this before, but I was born with a severe heart condition called Pulmonary Stenosis. It is in a stable condition now, but I was on emergency oxygen for the first eight months of my life and I had two surgeries. I almost died, and the doctors said that it is an actual miracle that I have recovered this fast and made it to thirteen without needing another surgery.

Pulmonary Stenosis is a heart condition with no known treatment or cure other than surgery and regular checkups, and it affects the pulmonary valve, where the blood leaves the heart to go to the lungs. It causes the pulmonary valve to be too narrow, therefore blood and oxygen cannot circulate round the body properly. This can cause shortness of breath after doing even the smallest amounts of exercise and it also affects the breathing overall.

My condition also means that the flu could have catastrophic impact on my health. Yes, I know that the flu can be deadly anyway, but more people survive it than die from it. The chances of me dying from flu are significantly higher than of someone who was healthy. Considering this, it means that if I were to catch the Coronavirus, I probably wouldn't recover like everyone else. I would probably die.

This being said, I am in self-isolation because I am currently surrounded by people in my family who are ill. My dad might've had Coronavirus. My sister had the symptoms a few days ago. My mum wasn't feeling well either. I was the only one who wasnt ill.

I am self-isolating because my dad is worried about me and my family think that even though I'm not ill, it would be safer to keep me home as well. It would also be more convenient.

Having said that...

This also means...

You'll be seeing a lot more of me!

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