fuck my life

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That's all I've gotta say.

God I'm sorry

I just feel a little...

I don't even know...


I feel like shit about something that happened between my friends that wasn't my fault

The only thing that's been keeping me steady these past few weeks is She-Ra. My life has been turned upside down what with me having to isolate again and I've been feeling super, super depressed. But She-Ra...

I don't know what it is that makes me feel better about my life. Maybe it's the animation, or the gayness, or the plotline. All I know is that I wish I could just watch and rewatch and rewatch She-Ra until the end of time, until I'm completely consumed by it.

Something about watching an 8-foot-tall warrior lady arguing with her cat girlfriend and a crazy loveable short science princess spinning around like a maniac has just meant so much to me lately.

My sister tells me to move on, get obsessed with something else. But the thing is...

I can't. I can't let go of this. She-Ra...

She-Ra means everything to me. There's nothing I wouldn't give to live on Etheria, to be part of the planet itself. I could spend all day with Catra and Entrapta and Scorpia instead of sitting here hating myself.

So yeah. Fuck my life.

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