Sibling Anthem Check - ToH Edition

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So this is from some video that my sister showed me.

I had to adapt the lyrics a little because there were two middle children in the original.

(This is assuming Edric is the younger twin because convenience)

Sibling anthem check!

Hi, I am the oldest
I'm the leader of the pack
And all my other siblings
Just be riding on my back
I'm basically the parent
I keep everyone in line
I've never had a hand-me-down
My shoes they always shine.

Hi, I am the middle
And I'm always overlooked
Rules were made for me to break
Which leaves my siblings shook
Hand-me-downs are all I know
Nothing's ever new
You hate me cos you ain't me
But trust me it's the truth.

Hi, I am the youngest
I'm my family's pride and joy
My siblings were irrelevant
The day that I was born
I walk into the room
All the attention goes to me
I get anything I want
With just a 'Mommy, Daddy, please!'

Lmao this was so dumb but I can totally imagine Ed and Em roping poor Mitt- I MEAN AMITY into something like this.

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