Coming Out

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I know most of you know this already. I don't even know why I'm making this chapter. I guess I just need somewhere to talk about it.

I'm bisexual. Most of you probably know that. And I know I seem really out and proud about it, don't I? Well... I'm not.

I can list the people I have told in person, who have not found out over Wattpad (so excluding Hufflegirl2020 and charleyswrites , who are both my friends in real life). I have told:
-my younger sister
-my best friend
-my other best friend
-one of my other friends who is new to my school

That's it. Nobody else. Not my parents. Not my older sister. No one else at school. Because I'm scared. And I know I shouldn't be. It's not like I know any homophobic people. At least I think I don't. You can never be sure until you actually say it, can you?

But anyway, coming out to my parents is basically the last hurdle I need to overcome. Once they know, I'll probably be fine with coming out to everyone else. But the thing is... I'm still scared. My parents aren't homophobic or biphobic in the slightest. They've always said that they wouldn't mind a bit if one of us were gay or bi or whatever. So I shouldn't really be scared, should I? But I am! And I don't know why!

I also don't exactly know how I would tell them. I keep getting tempted to just casually bring it up in conversation, but I can't bring myself to. And I don't want to make a big announcement, either. I don't want it to be a big deal. I would just feel so relieved to have them know.

I don't wanna just go up to them like 'oh by the way I'm bi' but I also don't wanna stand in front of them all like 'I have something to tell you'. I don't want any of that.

I need help..

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