Im isolating again

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So someone in my school form got tested positive...

This means my entire form has to isolate for two weeks.

I can't even leave the house.

This sucks because A. I really really REALLY wanted to do my tech cooking, and now I won't be able to and B. I've had to postpone my flu vaccination and for me that's not really ideal.

I also won't be able to see my friends.

I also hate online homeschooling because there's so many distractions and it's so unmotivating...

I can watch loads of Buffy with my mum
I can watch loads of She-Ra
My Nan is coming next week for the weekend plus Monday, so I won't have to go to school that day. And my sister will. So I get the whole day with her to myself.
That's about it tbh
Loads of McDonald's?

Anyway yeah I was crying I'm super bummed out

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