☾ Tamaki Amajiki ☽ c.u

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1) How you meet
You were late, oh so late to your shift at the local cat cafe. Your alarm hadn't gone off and your uniform was nowhere in sight. Once you found all of your garments and threw them on, you rushed outside and ran as fast as you could to the cafe which was only a few blocks away from your home. As you turned a corner, you collided with a tall stranger with dark hair. Quickly helping him up and apologizing, you told him you needed to rush off. You didn't even get the chance to catch his name.

2) First day at U.A
How does someone do a tie? God... these uniforms were impossible! This shirt was impossible to tuck neatly into the waistband of your bottoms! One you finally got your clothes together, you walked into the 1-A classroom as your first year in the prestigious hero school of U.A. In the front desk you saw the same stranger which you had crashed into a few weeks prior. Walking up to him, he turned to face you as red erupted on his cheeks. "I never caught your name the other day," you began and took your seat beside him. "T-Tamaki.. Am-Amajiki..." he responded, his head turned away from you.

3) Thoughts on each other
He thinks you're too forward. He'd never make the first move to get to know someone like you did on your first day. Especially when he made such a massive fool of himself by not helping you up after the crash
You think he's awfully shy but that only makes you more curious. His bashful nature contrasts your abrasive and forward attitude and you think that it'll make for a great relationship.

4) When he realizes he likes you
Amajiki is watching you train with Nejire and he sees how, even though you lost, you're still having fun and learning. You don't let the loss affect you and use it as a form to improve which inspires him to take after you. His goal is to be as confident as you in your training.

5) How he asks you out
The thing is, he doesn't ask you. It's the opposite actually. He's at your job waiting for you to get off so you can study for a test but it seems the line of customers is only getting longer. You bring over Amajiki's order with a small napkin covered in your handwriting. With a wink you step off to continue serving the other patrons leaving him reading the note. "You'd get a significant other and a barista all in one if you date me. What do you say?" He's red beyond belief but still agrees.

6) First date
Amajiki hates public places so you decided your first date would be at a drive in theatre seeing an old movie that you both loved. You brought your own snacks and warm drinks and some blankets and pillows. The night consisted of pretty much ignoring the movie and making Amajiki flush red at your closeness and lingering eyes.

7) When he asks to be your boyfriend
He felt that since you made the first move to confess to him that he should formally ask to be your boyfriend. It wasn't a big ordeal or something elaborately put together. It was simple. He brought you your favorite flowers to your doorstep and asked you to be exclusive with him. His effort and trembling hands made your heart absolutely melt. Amajiki would have never had the guts to say that had it not been for your encouragement and enthusiasm.

8) First kiss

9) You meet his parents/guardiansYou were extremely excited to be meeting the Tamaki's and even dressed up a bit to impress them

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9) You meet his parents/guardians
You were extremely excited to be meeting the Tamaki's and even dressed up a bit to impress them. Amajiki was even more nervous because he knew his parents would find a way to embarrass him. And he was right. All they talked about with you was his childhood, accompanied by cute baby pictures and a sweet cup of tea.

10) Cuddles after a hard dayHe couldn't help but make a fool of himself

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10) Cuddles after a hard day
He couldn't help but make a fool of himself. His anxiety and fear of failure always push him to make a mess of things. Hanging his head in guilt, Amajiki makes his way to your house where you greet him and let him in. He tells you how bummed he is to be such a clutz and leans onto your shoulder. You open your arms and bring him into your chest, which he would normally be to flustered to be doing but today was the exception. Please play with his hair and braid it all cute and tell him that he's not a clumsy fool.

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