xxv | seeing you in a swimsuit

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Bakugo Katsuki

• you're at the beach one summer with his family and it's burning hot
• as soon as you get there you take off your clothes to reveal the super cute swimsuit you bought a few weeks ago
• his mom compliments you endlessly, thinks you're stunning (too good for her boy)
• when baku sees you, it's over
• never blushes, you're the exception
• can't stop looking at you, tries not to stare too long
• snarls at anyone who looks at you

Midoriya Izuku

• all of 1-A is at the pool for special training, now for the second time
• it's during summer so everyone can bring their own swimsuits
• you being a particularly revealing one, all to take cute pictures with the class
• izu can't stop the flood of red rushing to his cheeks
• waves you off when you get near him (can't handle you looking like that)
• stares but looks away really quickly when you catch him
• compliments you but he's really shy

Todoroki Shoto

• occupies his family's summer home with a beachside view
• agree to spend the entire day soaking up the sun and eating fresh pineapple and watermelon
• all his plans go out the window when you walk out
• his left side erupts into flames and he gets really apologetic
• one hand always one other your hip or thigh
• glad that he can intimidate people so easily
• really flustered all day, you have to help chill him out

Kirishima Eijiro

• an absolute gentleman, doesn't make you feel insecure at all
• his eyes light up when you show up and his smile is so contagious
"wow! you're so gorgeous!" "aren't i a lucky man?!"
• so extremely proud of your confidence
• wants to show you off at ALL times
• gives you little kisses on the forehead frequently, so whipped for you
• wants to take you to the beach more often

Kaminari Denki

• can't stop gawking like a child at a candy store
• cheesy pickup lines that make you and everyone in the immediate vicinity groan
• very touchy feely, loves holding you
• walks by other pointing at you with the biggest grin
• takes every opportunity to compliment you
• gets angry when other people stare at you
• will fight someone if they get to friendly

Iida Tenya

• he's a gentleman! he isn't looking! (he is, don't being it up though!)
• doesn't want to see like a pervert so he pretends he can't see your skin
• reprimands others for looking at you for too long
• flushes when you ask to take pics with him
• will absolutely compliment you wholesomely, he can't do much else!
• hypes you up so much you can physically feel your ego inflating
• gets comfortable and holds your hand (still gets a little red though ^^; )

Shinso Hitoshi

• the smirk on this guy's face when he sees you makes you weak at the knees
• stares at you but you're the one who blushes?
• sneaky hands traveling to your waist and lingering agonizingly
• his compliments makes butterflies erupt in your belly
• makes you feel like absolute royalty, no room for insecurities with him
• takes so many cute pics of you and makes one his lock screen
• that one cute couple pic at sunset

Tamaki Amajiki

• god save this boy he can't handle it
• the weather, you, the crowds, you, the noise, YOU
• can't look at you without turning bright red
• rarely compliments you bc he's too nervous about doing it in public
• will tell you once you're in private how gorgeous you look
• don't tease him about how red he is, he might combust
• wishes he could be as confident as you


• the most handsy of them all, always touching you
• takes sneaky pictures to tease you with later
• slightly lewd compliments, whoops
• glares at anyone who looks at you
• never leaves your side, not because he's possessive but because he wants others to know you're his
• will smirk when he sees other guys get jealous
• does not tolerate you putting yourself down

Aizawa Shota

• seems unaffected but is itching to stare at you
• his compliments are odd... and you don't quite understand them
• not too touchy but will occasionally catch himself holding your hand or with a hand on your waist
• likes to take soft pics of you smiling and being all happy and cute
• if someone stares at you he will stare back
• has no problem setting a hand on your hip
• asks you to be confident with yourself

Shigaraki Tomura

• not handsy at all, still nervous bc of his quirk
• does stare, not very subtle abt it
• will threaten if someone stares at you that isn't him
• his compliments are unsure but they're still really tender and genuine
• wanna make him flustered? ask him to take pics of you in cute poses
• he's more self conscious than you, please hype each other up
• picks up pretty seashells for you, one is a pistachio shell lmao

Sero Hanta

• super chill about you being in a swimsuit despite his classmate's reactions
• his compliments are the sweetest oml
"confidence looks so cute on you!" "you should smile like that more often!"
• he has you smiling like a goof and posing for cute beach pics that he'll 100% post everywhere
• doesn't mind if people stare at you, he knows you're his
• always holding your hands, the biggest smile on his face
• will 100% dance with you on the shore


[i made a todoroki/reader fic! it's a single parent au and it'd mean the world if you could check it out if you're into todo and that type of au! it's titled "still into you" so go give it a quick read! the first chapter is out and i'll try to update whenever i can!]


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